General information

Structure and educational-production base of the department

The Department of Biotechnology was organized in 2003 as part of the Agro-Industrial Faculty. In 2011, in September, she joined the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology. Since August 2014, the Faculty has been reorganized into the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.
The department has branches on the basis of the South Kazakhstan branch of the Republican Veterinary Laboratory.
Bachelors are trained according to the educational program 6B05120 "Biotechnology", undergraduates according to the educational program 7M05123 "Biotechnology", doctoral students according to the educational program 8D05120 - "Biotechnological aspects in the agro-industrial complex".

The department has modern laboratories "Biochemistry", "Plant and Animal Physiology", "Microbiology and Virology", "Biotechnology of microorganisms", "Food Biotechnology", which are equipped with modern equipment: microscopes of the MC 300 type, BIOTECH – 5B bioreactor, freeze dryer, Sonopuls 4050 ultrasonic homogenizer, Armed 80-2 centrifuge.
In the 2020 academic year, according to the State Procurement plan, the following equipment was purchased: the AWU - 6 shaker, the LevenhukLabZZ M101 binocular microscope, and the process of controlling the operation of equipment (thermostat, autoclave and drying dryer) using an automatic parameter control panel with access to a monoblock was automated.
In the 2021 academic year, according to the State Procurement plan, the following were purchased: a sterilizer (autoclave) Vka-75, a multichannel amplifier "Tertsik", a power source Elf-8.
All educational laboratories comply with current sanitary standards and fire safety requirements.
The total area of the classroom and laboratory facilities of classrooms, preparation rooms is 532.55 m2, which comply with current sanitary standards, can ensure the implementation of curricula and programs provided for by the state general education standard of education.

Organization of academic work and implementation of the curriculum of the department

The educational program 6B05120 "Biotechnology" is aimed at achieving learning outcomes through the organization of the educational process using the principles of the Bologna Process, accessibility, inclusiveness. OP 6B05120 "Biotechnology" was accredited by Independent International Agencies ASIIN (Germany) in 2014.

The results of the training program are achieved through the following training activities:
- classroom classes: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes - are conducted taking into account innovative teaching technologies, the use of the latest achievements of science, technology and information systems;
- extracurricular activities: independent work of the student, including under the guidance of a teacher, individual consultations;
- conducting professional practices, completing term papers and theses (projects).

The University has taken measures to maintain academic integrity and academic freedom, protect against any kind of intolerance and discrimination against students.

The quality of the OP is ensured by involving stakeholders in its development and evaluation, systematic monitoring and review of its content.
The purpose of the OP is to prepare bachelors who possess modern, highly effective research methods in the field of biotechnology and are able to apply the knowledge gained and analyze the current state of the industry development.
OP tasks:
- formation of socially responsible behavior in society, understanding the importance of professional ethical standards and following these standards;
- providing basic bachelor's degree training that allows them to continue their studies throughout their lives, successfully adapt to changing conditions throughout their professional career;
- providing conditions for acquiring a high general intellectual level of development, mastering competent and developed speech, culture of thinking and skills of scientific organization of work in the field of biotechnology;
- creation of conditions for intellectual, physical, spiritual, aesthetic development to ensure the possibility of their employment in the OP or continuing education at subsequent levels of study.

Bachelor's degree training in the specialty "Biotechnology" is mainly focused on the labor market. Teaching is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English. Planning and distribution of the annual academic load is carried out in accordance with the qualifications of teachers. The specifics of previously taught disciplines are taken into account, primarily the lecture workload. The academic load is evenly distributed over 15 credits, taking into account the specifics of the master's degree, full-time doctoral studies and English-language studies. After the end of the theoretical course, it is mandatory to complete an internship at the workplace. The organization of professional practice in YSU is carried out on the basis of the QMS of YSU PR "Organization and conduct of professional practice of students".   Bachelor's degree training in the specialty "Biotechnology" is mainly focused on the labor market. Teaching is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English. Planning and distribution of the annual academic load is carried out in accordance with the qualifications of teachers. The specifics of previously taught disciplines are taken into account, primarily the lecture workload. The academic load is evenly distributed over 15 credits, taking into account the specifics of the master's degree, full-time doctoral studies and English-language studies. After the end of the theoretical course, it is mandatory to complete an internship at the workplace. The organization of professional practice in YSU is carried out on the basis of the QMS of YSU PR "Organization and conduct of professional practice of students".


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