History of higher education


     Higher School “Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology” is one of the oldest and largest divisions of the University. Its history began in 1943 from the date of formation of Chimkent Technological Institute of Building Materials including two faculties: Technological Faculty with the specialty “Technology of silicates” and Mining Faculty with the specialty “Mining and exploitation of non-metallic minerals”. Afterthe Mining Faculty closure in 1947, the Technological Faculty, thanks to the great efforts of the institute director, Safa Umbetalin, was further developed. In 1948, the first graduation of silicate process engineers took place in the amount of 28 people. From 1948 to 1957, 532 specialists graduated the institute. In 1957, the institute was renamed into Kazakh Technological Institute, its profile expanded with the opening of new specialties and the strengthening of the material base; two faculties began to function: Technological and Mechanical. A huge role in the development of the institute was played by the rector S.T. Suleimenov. In 1962, Chemical Technological Faculty united several new departments of the chemical and technological direction. In 1964, the institute was renamed intoKazakh Chemical Technological Institute. In 1996, the institute received the status of a technical university, in connection with this, it was renamed into South Kazakhstan Technical University. In 1998, the university was merged with South Kazakhstan Humanitarian University and renamed as South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov. In 2021, it was renamed into NJSC “South Kazakhstan University”.
     In 2014, the Chemical Technological Faculty was reorganized into the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.
     The Higher School includes 5 departments: “Technology of inorganic and petrochemical productions”, “Technology of silicates and metallurgy”, “Biotechnology”, “Ecology”, and“Chemistry and pharmaceutical engineering”.
     At present, the teaching staff of the Higher School is 120 teachers, including 17 doctors of science, 27 professors, 57 candidates of science, 10 PhD doctors and 37 masters of science; 56 teachers are holders of the title “The best university teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
     The contingent of the faculty is 1200 students; 50-60% of them study on the basis of a state educational grant.
     The Higher School offers master and PhD educational programs. All ofthe educational programs have passed the international accreditation of Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. The educational programs such as“Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances”, “Chemical Technology of Organic Substances”, “Chemical Technology of Refractory Non-Metallic and Silicate Materials”, “Biotechnology”, and“Ecology” have passed the International accreditation in the ASIIN Agency (Germany).
     Many graduates of the Higher School are known in the republic and abroad as prominent public figures, famous scientists, production’s organizers and managers.


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