- Hits: 918
Address: Shymkent, st. G. Ilyaev -8, M.Auezov SKU Building A, 414 office.
Phone: 8(7252) 21-46-07, Fax: 8(7252) 21-01-41,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The history of the Department begins in 1973, when the Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the Kazakh SSR decided to train engineers in the technology of natural water treatment and industrial emissions in Kazhti. In the same year, the first set of students for the specialty 1217 technol was carried out.treatment of powder and wastewater in the Department "Technology of inorganic substances".
In 1977, an independent Department "Technology of natural and wastewater treatment" was organized, which was headed by doctor of technical Sciences, Professor sh. m. Moldabekov.
The Department was staffed by specialists-graduates of the specialty "water Supply and Sewerage" of higher educational institutions of cities, Novosibirsk (VI Zrazhevskaya), Moscow (dzhanabaev NS), Leningrad cities (Nurumbetov NS and Kamshybaev AA), Ust-Kamenogorsk (Dergachev PP and Egorova Ov). The Department was also invited are candidates of Sciences, as Kozhevnikova G. I., Prusov V. N., Sheds S. A., Biterekov W. B., Umarova Z. A., Sermanizov S. S. etc.
The first graduation of natural and wastewater treatment engineers took place in 1978. In 1980 the Department was renamed on - "Rational use of water resources and neutralization of industrial effluents" ("RIVR OPS"). During this period, the Department became the only profiling Department in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Contracts for training of specialists with 50 enterprises of the region were signed. The Department for 12 years annually trained 17 specialists on the cooperative contract for the enterprises of the Uzbek and Kyrgyz SSR.
In 1989, the Department of "RIVR OPS" was reorganized into the Department of "Industrial ecology and environmental protection" and began training additional environmental engineers in the specialty 2513- "environmental Protection and rational use of natural resources" in two specializations: "Rational use and protection of water resources." Preparation and "Industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources". The Department carried out a direct contract for the training of specialists in specialties 2908 and 2513 for the Karakalpak administration of the Uzbek SSR on the integrated use and protection of water resources. In 1999 the Department was renamed "life Safety and ecology" and began to train environmental engineers in the specialty 1703 - "Applied ecology" in the state and Russian languages. In 2006, the Department was divided into two departments - "Ecology" and "life Safety and environmental protection".
On September 24, 2010 by reorganization and Association of two chairs "Ecology" and " Geography "the new chair"Geoecology and nature management" was organized. Since August 2014, the Department has returned to its former name "Ecology". Currently, the Department prepares bachelors in the specialty: 5B060800 - "Ecology" and masters in the specialty: 6M060800 - "Ecology".

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 425 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 425 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 414 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 425 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 414 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Senior Lecturer
Contact Information:
building No. 1 (A), 423 office
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer.
Contact details: #1 (A) building, 425 office
Work phone: 8 778 922 41 61

Master of Natural Sciences, Senior Lecturer.
Contact details: #1 (A) building, 425 office
Work phone: 8 702 504 62 05

Master of natural sciences, teacher
Contact information:
Building No. 1 (A), office 425
Working Phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Master of natural sciences, teacher
Contact information:
Building No. 1 (A), office 425
Working Phone: 8 (7252) 21-46-07

Highly qualified specialist, laboratory assistant.
Contact details:
№1 (A) building, 414 office
Work phone: +7 (705) 680 22 21

Highly qualified specialist, laboratory technician
Contact Information:
№1 414 (A) Building
Work phone: 87473608327
8D05210- "Ecology"
8D05210-the uniqueness of the preparation of the Doctor of
Philosophy PhD "Ecology".It is aimed at training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of a new formation, teachers in the field of ecology who are able to explain new knowledge by conducting advanced scientific research in the field of nature protection; provides graduates with the competencies of a PhD, non-standard thinking and bold independent decisions.
The educational program is aimed at achieving learning outcomes through the Bologna process, concentrated student learning, the use of the principles of speed and inclusiveness, the organization of the educational process. The results of the training program are achieved through the following training activities:
- classroom classes: lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes-conducted using innovative teaching technologies, the latest achievements of science, technology and information systems;
- extracurricular activities: independent work of the student, including individual counseling under the guidance of a teacher;
- conducting professional practices, performing doctoral dissertations.
-research work of a doctoral student (R&D): independent scientific work of a student, including the execution of doctoral dissertations and scientific internship.
Criteria for evaluating learning outcomes by types of educational activities OP:
The University has taken measures to support academic integrity and academic freedom, protect against any forms of intolerance and discrimination against students. The quality of the OP is ensured by involving stakeholders in its development and evaluation, systematic monitoring and review of its content.
Requirements for applicants
It is approved in accordance with the standard rules for admission to training in educational organizations that implement educational programs of postgraduate education.
The purpose and objectives of the educational program in the specialty
The purpose of the OP: training of highly qualified specialists in the field of "environment", the formation of general cultural and professional competencies, the development of skills for their implementation in practice in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the country.
OP tasks:
- providing conditions for obtaining a high level of intellectual development, mastering the skills of organizing scientific work and logical and critical thinking in scientific and pedagogical activities;
- develop the ability to use the acquired knowledge in professional activities to solve scientific, managerial and technological tasks, operational decision-making in problem situations;
- development of self-education skills and continuous professional development throughout their professional activities, allowing doctoral students to successfully adapt to changing conditions;
- expansion of knowledge in applied and theoretical areas of environmental science;
List of qualifications and services
The graduate of the educational program 8D05210 - "Ecology" is awarded the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy PhD".
8D05210- The Doctor of Philosophy PhD of the educational program "Ecology" can hold the positions of the head of the department of state bodies in this field, a researcher in design and survey, research institutes, a teacher in secondary vocational and higher educational institutions, as well as managers, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population dated May 21, 2012 No. 201 and Annex 2 of the sectoral qualifications framework "Environmental protection" dated August 16, 2016 (Protocol No.1) there are no requirements for work experience in all environmental organizations in accordance with the qualification requirements of the Qualification Directory of the Activities of Specialists and other employees.
By the order of NOC No. 183 of 21.11.2022, domestic and foreign scientific researchers were approved. Domestic scientific adviser: Ph. D., professor Iztleuov G. M., foreign scientific adviser: doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Belarusian State Technological University Dormeshkin O. G.
The doctoral dissertation of the doctoral student was approved by the order of the University No. 32 of 20.02.2023. Theme of the dissertation:"development of innovative green technologies for the production of fertilizers from used carbon-containing waste in Southern crops".
Educational and methodical work of the department
The work of the committee on innovative teaching technologies and methodological support of the Ecology Department is carried out in accordance with the individual plan of teachers, the annual plan of educational and methodological work of the Department and the Higher School of Economics. Educational and methodological documents are discussed at the following meeting: the department, the methodological committee of the Higher School, the UMK of the University and, if their conclusion is positive, they are approved by the vice-rector for academic and methodological work.
All disciplines taught at the department are provided with appropriate curricula compiled by the teaching staff of the departments. Due to the changes for the 2022-2023 academic year, the forms of the discipline's curriculum have been revised and curricula have been developed in accordance with the requirements of the PR QMS of the UCU 7.03-2015. The curricula were reviewed at a meeting of the department, at a meeting of the Committee for Innovative Teaching Technologies and methodological support of the Chu "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology" on June 31, 2022 (Protocol No. 1) and approved at a meeting of the UMK of the M. Auezov YUU.
The necessary educational and methodological literature is available for all the studied disciplines of educational programs. Disciplines conducted in the state language have sufficient provision of literature. Provision of educational programs in the disciplines taught at the Department of Ecology in the 2022-2023 academic year.
Білім беру бағдарламасы 6В05210-Экология
Білім беру бағдарламасы Экология және табиғатты пайдалану
Bases of practice: educational and health camp "technologist", laboratories of the Department "Ecology" named after A. Askarov "Arboretum", "Sairam-Ugem National Natural Park", Department of Ecology in Shymkent, "ECOCENTRE-CONSULTING" LLP, "kazphosphate plant of mineral fertilizers" LLP, "Center for Environmental support and expertise", "Petrokazakhstanoylprodax" LLP "Kazniihimproekt" LLP, "3-Energoortalyk" JSC, South Kazakhstan region "territorial inspection of Forest and hunting farms", LLP "Water Resources Marketing", M. College of South Kazakhstan University named after auezov, school-Lyceum named after K. Spatayev No. 7, College "Otyrar", school-Lyceum named after S. Erubayev No. 24, general secondary school named after K. Kasymuly No. 33, general Secondary School №63
Tour" third metropolis"
Students of the HT-22-4k2 group of the Department of ecology of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and biotechnology within the framework of the Ruhani zhangyru Program visited the Baidibek bi monument, the Kasret Memorial, the Al-Farabi scientific and Universal Library, the ethnoaul, Ordabasy square, the ethnopark and the arboretum. The students were impressed by the sights of our city.
Group mentor: Ukibay A. S.
Nauryz is a very ancient holiday. To this day, it is difficult to say how long this holiday has been celebrated, which has become a traditional holiday of many peoples on the planet. This is the day when the Equinox is celebrated, animals give birth, people's mouths touch white, and joy reigns on the Earth. The Kazakh people called this day "the great day of Ulus". In honor of this holiday, students of the Department of "Ecology" held a lecture "Armysyn, AZ Nauryz! the event was held by the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. During the event, our students organized a concert program dedicated to the Nauryz holiday.
The open lesson was attended by 10 teachers from the Department. The open lesson is a practical lesson. The practical lesson was conducted in accordance with the CTS and syllabus. During the open lesson, the teacher had a work program on the discipline, a syllabus, documents of the CTS and SIS of the discipline, methodological instructions, a security card and a log of students ' attendance. The teacher explained the practical lesson to the students in the form of a presentation. The plan of practice and the teacher first introduced the topic and plan of the lesson. According to the lesson plan, he introduced the topic of the lesson. During the practice, the teacher provided students with handouts. In addition to outstanding tools, the teacher presented to the students the presentation data prepared by the teacher on the practical lesson using an interactive whiteboard. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gave students control questions and homework. The teacher's communication with the audience was close, students took an active part.
The open lesson of the teacher Zhubankan Madina Kanzhigitovna was conducted in accordance with pedagogical and methodological requirements and educational standards of higher educational institutions. The lesson was held with the active participation of students through a thorough visualization, the use of technical means and role-playing games. We believe that students have increased interest in the subject and achieved the goal of the lesson. In practice, he mastered the material well, easily and in a convenient way conveys the material, is able to attract the audience, rationally use presentation materials, outstanding tools.
On behalf of the mentoring hour on 17.11.2022, students of the 1-3 courses of the Department of Ecology, the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and biotechnology, visited the Shymkent city puppet and youth theater. They watched the premiere of "Akhmet", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of A. Baitursynov. The theater is not only a place of cultural recreation and entertainment, but also a spiritual and cultural environment that affirms the spirit, value of the nation, glorifies beauty and virtue, inspiration and sincerity to the people. Therefore, it is important to take young people to theaters in order to educate them in aesthetic morality and morality.

«Жасыл техология - Тірі өсімдіктерден электр энергиясын алу жолдары» Экология кафедрасы ХТ-18-4к2 тобының студенті Алсеит Аида дайындаған жоба, Экология кафедрасының докторанты Сыздыкова Маржан.
«Eco-беседка» Экология кафедрасы ХТ-19-4а тобының студенті Жолдас Ерасыл дайындаған жоба, жетекшісі Джакипбекова Н. О.
таным мен зерттеудің ғылыми тәсілдерін қалыптасыра отырып, шығармашылық-кәсіби ойлау дағдысын қалыптастыру;- бірыңғай білім (оқу және тәрбие), ғылым және тәжірибелік үдерістерді қамтамасыз ету;- әр студентке шығармашылық тұлғасын қалыптастыруға, ғылыми зерттеу және ғылыми шығармашылық бағыттағы конкурстарға әрқайсысына сұранысқа сай және мақсатты ұстанымдары мен мүмкіндіктеріне орай толыққанды қатысуды қалыптастыру, құқықтық, экономикалық, ұйымдастырушылық т.т. бағытта өсуіне жағдай жасау және оны дамыту,СҒЖЗ-ның негізгі міндеттері:- өз саласы бойынша пікірлер мен ой-пайым (1-ші мамандыққа сәйкес) қалыптастыру, дағдылар мен тәсілдерге баулу, (бірыңғай білім және ғылыми үдерістер аясында) ойлау жүйесін меңгерту;- студенттерге ғылыми таным жүйесін меңгерту;- студенттерді ғылыми зерттеу тәсілдерімен, тәжірибе жүргізу және шешім қабылдау теориясы методикасымен таныстыру;- ғылыми және тәжірибелік тапсырмалар бойынша өз бетінше шешім қабылдау дағдыларын қалыптастыру;- ғылыми ұжымда жұмыс істеу мен ондағы жұмысты ұйымдастыру тәсілдерімен танысу дағдыларын қалыптастыру;- студентті шығармашылыққа қажеттілікке, өз бетімен білім алуға, өз білімін ұдайы жетілдіруге, ғылыми материалды тереңдей және шығармашылық тұрғыдан меңгеруге үйрету;- отандық және шетелдік әдебиеттермен ұдайы жұмыс істеу қазжеттілігі мен дағдысын, патенттік қорлармен жұмыс істеу білуді қалыптастыру;
In the autumn semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, Mamyt Ayaulym Mukhitkyzy, a student of the KhT-21-4tr group of the Department of Ecology, was trained under the academic mobility program at the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology, Faculty of Food Industry, Almaty Technological University.
I am Shynggyskan Zhanel, a student of the Xt-21-4tr group, in the current spring semester I am studying in Poland with the help of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center in the specialty "Ecology". I am getting an education at the best university, the University of Lodz. Currently, these are not only classes in my specialty "Ecology", but also a good opportunity for the development of English.
Today, candidate of technical sciences, professor of the Department "Ecology" Shingisbaeva Zhadra Atirkhankyzy was awarded a certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Kenzhalieva Gulmira Duysenbayevna with a letter of thanks for her honorable work and conscientious work on the path to prosperity, making a significant contribution to the development of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Department of ecology of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov opened an educational and scientific production complex on the basis of the Department of ecology of Shymkent. The educational and scientific production complex is considered as one of the organizational forms of integration of Education, Science and production, interaction of universities with state organizations, enterprises, industries.
The purpose of creating the Educational, Scientific and production complex of the department is to strengthen the practical training of students and undergraduates, develop the research work of the department and increase the interest of students and undergraduates in research work.
The department, together with the department, has developed a plan for this academic year and is starting to conduct practical and laboratory classes on the discipline "environmental monitoring" online on the basis of the OSPP. May our planned work continue, good luck to all of us!
Dual training (do) - this system involves the simultaneous training of a specialist in two areas-theoretical and practical. 1/3 of the training time receives basic education at the University, and 2/3-in production — at the training enterprise, develops skills and receives practically significant knowledge. The main goal is to prepare a qualified and competent graduate with basic skills of working in production, to develop a Kazakhstan model of Doe in the system of technical and specialized education.
Dual education, in addition to the optimal transfer of professional experience, allows you to consolidate your position in industrial conditions. Businesses benefit from new ideas and impulses coming from students. Upon completion of training, students can immediately take part in production.

Date of birth: 08/31/1979
Place of birth: South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent
2000-2005 - student of the M.Auezov SKSU with a degree
in Applied Ecology
2005-2012 - Senior lecturer at the M.Auezov SKSU, Department
of Geoecology and
Environmental Management 2012-2014 - enrolled in a master's degree in the specialty 5B060800 - Ecology
2014 - present Head of the Department of Wildlife and
Hunting of the Territorial Inspectorate of Forestry and
Wildlife in the Turkestan region.

Date of birth: 12/21/1978.
Place of birth: Shymkent,
South Kazakhstan region, 1995-2000 – student of the Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, specialty 5B060800-Ecology
2004 - 2011 - Specialist V.U.K.-Manager of the "Quality Service"
of the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
2011-2014 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Ecology
, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
2014 –present – Environmental Engineer of the Department of Nature Protection
PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP

Date of birth: 02/15/1966
Place of birth: Shymkent,
South Kazakhstan region, 1983-1990. - Student of the Kazakh
Institute of Chemical Technology with a degree in "Rational
use of natural resources and environmental Protection", now
M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University
2005 - present - Head of the Chemical Workshop
of JSC Energoortalyk - 3

Date of birth: 12/26/1979.
Place of residence: Turkestan region, Turkestan
1997 - 2002 – student, SKSU named after M.Auezov, specialty "Applied Ecology"
2012-2019 - Deputy Head, Turkestan Regional
Territorial Inspectorate of Forestry and Wildlife;
From 04/16/2019 Currently, he is the Head of the Department
of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Turkestan region.

Graduate of the Department of Ecology - 1997 -2002y.

Graduate of the Department of Ecology in 2007-2011.

Graduate of the Department of Ecology 1999-2004.

Graduate of the Department of Ecology in 2004.

Graduate of the Department of Ecology.

Graduate of the Department of Ecology in 2004.

Graduate of the Department of Ecology 1996-2001yy.

Master, senior lecturer of the Department of Ecology
Graduate of 2007-2011.
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