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On December 10, the international forum "Green trend is the main trend of the new decade" was held with the participation of Nobel Prize Winner Rae Kwon Chung, in which Professor of the Department of Ecology Iztleuov Gani Moldakulovich made a report on "Electrochemical green technologies"
Opening of the library on the 125th anniversary of Mukhtar Auezov
At the opening of the library on the occasion of the "125th anniversary of Mukhtar Auezov" at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, a student of the KhT-19-4k group of the Ecology Department of the Higher School Sabyrkhan Arailym placed on the wall of the library the great Kazakh writer, playwright and scientist, doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Honored Scientist Mukhtar Omarkhanuly Auezov. We wish Sabyrkhan Araily success in all endeavors. We express our gratitude to the mentor of the group Duysenova S.S.
Passed the accreditation
In the period from March 30 to March 31, 2022, the Department of Ecology of the Auezov UCU was accredited with the educational program of the 8D05210-Ecology doctoral program by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA). The expert group was represented by scientists from leading universities in Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as representatives of students and employers. An international expert (online) Cluster 4 (OP 8D05210-Ecology) was delivered by Mikhail Borisovich Shilin, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development of Regions, St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation, St. Petersburg).
Open Day
February 16, 2022 at 13.00 in the building "A" of the YSU named afterMauezov on the basis of the Department "Ecology" in the auditorium 421A, the event "Open Day" for schoolchildren of secondary schools was held № 25, 33, 23, 11, 24 cities of Shymkent.
On this day, the educational programs of the Department of Ecology (videos and presentations), student scientific papers were presented, and all the necessary information was provided for those wishing to enroll in the Auezov UCU.
School graduates asked questions about admission, about educational grants, dormitories, paid department and discounts. The dean of the HSE "HI and BT" Aitureev M.Zh., head of the Department "Ecology" Shingisbayeva Zh.A., responsible for the career guidance work of the department Amerbekov E., addressed the students with welcoming words. A test was conducted among schoolchildren to determine professional aptitudes, which caused a heated discussion among school graduates.
At the end of the meeting, a tour of the laboratories of the department was conducted with the students, where they were shown interesting experiments, the students received answers to their questions.
GREEN Webina
In the period from 11.11.2021 to 12/21/2021, a series of webinars of the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects was held on the scientific and educational platform GREEN Webinar, which was created to disseminate scientific knowledge and technologies in order to improve the competence of specialists in the field of ecology.
Since its establishment, the Center has been promoting the development of the country's green economy, conducting a comprehensive technological audit to introduce the best available techniques, educating the population and nature users on environmental protection and the use of natural resources, strengthening international cooperation of Kazakhstan within the framework of the Green Bridge Partnership Program, which was adopted in 2012 by the participating States of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. Undergraduates and doctoral students of the Department of Ecology took part and received certificates of successful completion of the course. The participants could listen to online seminars on the following topics: the use of Green Taxonomy for financial institutions, public organizations and business representatives, environmental regulation based on the principles of BAT, BAT is an energy saving and energy efficiency improvement tool, expected changes in production sectors taking into account the transition to BAT, a systematic approach to the introduction of the best available technologies in the regulation of industrial pollution, current Kazakhstani developments and future prospects for renewable energy, new principles and mechanisms in environmental policy.
The online round table was held at the international environmental forum "Life without Waste".
class="rtejustify">On November 15, the International Environmental Forum "Life without Waste" dedicated to the World Recycling Day was held at the M.Auezov South Ural State University. The purpose of this event is to attract the attention of scientists, students, youth, the public and industrial structures to this problem. Within the framework of the forum, an international online round table was held, held with leading environmental scientists from Russia, Georgia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Serious issues of waste recycling were discussed at the round table meeting. A colleague from Belarus - V. N. Martsul, head of the The Department of Industrial Ecology of the Belarusian State Technological University presented an interesting scientific and practical work "Improving the treatment of sewage treatment plants in the context of a closed-cycle economy". Of particular interest was the report of Nato Mirzveli, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the P.Melikishvili Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry at Tbilisi State University on the topic: "Production of packaging paper from secondary raw materials with herbicidal properties". The topic was actively discussed and raised many questions from the participants of the round table. Interesting reports were also presented by our domestic environmental scientists: Beisenova R. R., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of "Management and Engineering in the Field of Environmental Protection" of the Eurasian National University; Akkazin Yerzhan Asetovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences of the UNESCO UR Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; Zhekeeva M. K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, full member (academician) of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, N.O. Dzhakipbekova, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; G. M. Iztleuova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University. Issues of scientific and methodological work were discussed with V.M. Misyuchenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Management of the Faculty of Environmental Monitoring of the Sakharov International State Institute of the Belarusian State University. The topic of the report "The experience of teaching the discipline "waste management" at the university in the direction of implementing the principles of sustainable development" was useful for all participants of the round table. All participants of the forum noted the high and productive joint work, thanked the leadership of the South Kazakhstan University. M.Auezova for organizing such a serious event and offered to meet regularly on the World Recycling Day and share their achievements and ideas.
International Environmental Forum "Life without waste".
Teachers and students of the Department of "Ecology" of the M.Auezov UCU organized and held an international environmental forum "Life without Waste" dedicated to the World Recycling Day, which is celebrated on November 15. The Forum brought together several programs at once: an educational one - a cycle of practical workshops on waste recycling and a scientific and methodological program. The purpose of this event is to attract the attention of scientists, students, youth, the public and industrial structures to this problem. As part of the master classes, students of our university showed the importance of recycling used raw materials, in the form of various crafts (making various items from plastic bottles, used paper, disposable spoons, sushi sticks, etc.), showed their video works. They showed so much enthusiasm and creativity, and offered many options for recycling waste: eco-robots, lamps, kitchen utensils, vases of various configurations and sizes, flowers of the most diverse and beautiful, houses for cats and birds, a scratching post for a cat, dresses from magazines and newspapers, polyethylene and paper were made here! A master class on recycling used paper at home was also shown. Preserving our planet for the future generation and caring for the environment is our common responsibility ! "There is such a firm rule... I got up in the morning, washed my face, put myself in order — and immediately put your planet in order" - these words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, said 75 years ago, are exactly right for today. Congratulations to everyone on this holiday and we are waiting for everyone to take part next year! In the meantime, there is time to implement new ideas for recycling!!!
Conference "NU Green Campus Sustainability Living Labs"
The Corporate Foundation "Nationalconservationinitiative" together with the Office of Sustainable Development of AEO "Nazarbayev University" is implementing the Sustainability Living Lab (SLL) program sponsored by Chevron Munaigas Inc. and aimed at implementing research and innovative projects on sustainable development on campus through the involvement of students, professors and university staff. The purpose of the SLL program is to support green initiatives of universities that contribute to improving the sustainable development of their campuses through:
- providing an opportunity for students, teachers and university staff to solve real environmental problems of the university through the application of applied research and innovation;
- improving the information education of the university community on sustainable development issues;
-practical and educational experience gained during the implementation of projects.
Since 2021, the implementation of the SLL program has been launched in universities of Kazakhstan and it is planned to involve M. Auezov YUU in it. In this regard, Zhadra Atirkhankyzy, Head of the Department of "Ecology" of M. Auezov Shingisbayev UCU, took part in the NU Green Campus Sustainability Living Lab conference from October 15 to 17, 2021, where a presentation of the program for attracting new universities was held, as well as a presentation of completed projects for the exchange of experience.
Online breakout session dedicated to the World Standards Day.
RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Metrology" in the period from October 11 to 12, 2021, as part of the events to celebrate the World Standards Day, held online breakout sessions on the topic "A common vision of a better world. Standards in Support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals", dedicated to the discussion of a number of the most relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter - SDGs):
1. Breakout session of SDG 3 "Good health and well-being"
2. Breakout session of SDG 4 "Quality education"
3. Breakout session of SDG 8 "Decent work and economic growth"
4. Breakout session of SDG 13 "Combating climate change"
At the breakout sessions, problematic issues of SDG implementation and the contribution of standardization were discussed, participants from universities, medical institutions, enterprises, environmental organizations of Kazakhstan were invited to identify ways to solve them in the course of joint work, as well as to create an ideal model for achieving the SDGs. Head of the Department "Ecology" Shingisbayeva Zh.A. took part in the breakout sessions from the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University.
A student from Poland, an academic mobility student, Danuta Nales is speaking at the Department of Ecology and getting acquainted with research centers. In total, Danuta made several reports during this academic mobility and attended English-language lectures with students.
Studied from Iasi University in Romania, Bulan Mikhai and John Konstantin are delivering a keynote speech to students at the Department of Ecology. This led to an environmental problem in Romania.
A scientist from the University of Sweden in Gulaim Seisenbaeva gives a lecture on the topic "Rational use of water resources" in front of students at the Department of Ecology. Interesting environmental problems of natural resources were discussed.
November 28, at the Department of Ecology of the Higher School Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Was the 23rd regional scientific conference of young scientists in technical sciences
"The cult of knowledge and science in the XXI century"
dedicated to the 120th anniversary of K.I. Satpayev
The conference was attended by 36 young scientists.
List of educational institutions participating in the conference:
1. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Yassaui, Turkestan
2. South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
3. Shymkent University, the city of Shymkent
4. Regional-Social-Innovation University, Shymkent
5. Peoples' Friendship University, Shymkent
6. Miras University, Shymkent
7. general secondary school No. 39 named after M. Zhumabaev, Shymkent
8. Lyceum School No. 77, Shymkent
9. School-Lyceum № 54, the city of Shymkent
10. School - Lyceum No. 5, Tolebi district, Turkestan region
The conference examined natural and urban ecosystems and their components; biosphere and its components; environmental monitoring and marketing; analysis, inspection and control of the environment; compilation of prognostic models; management and consulting functions in the field of environmental protection; environmental education and upbringing; compliance with environmental requirements in technological processes and in the design of new enterprises, settlements, planning and implementation of environmental measures in various sectors of the economy, conducting an environmental impact assessment and environmental audit.
As a result of the conference, was adopted a resolution and awarded with diplomas authors of the best reports
On May 20, 2019 a round table on the topic "Knowledge is the one who competes thousands of students" was held among students and graduates of "Ecology" department. During the round table, the dean of the high school, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Bolysbek Aidar, the head of the department of ecology Chingizbaeva Zh., ecological engineer Thermal Power Plant Talgат Kaldygozov, officers Sairam Ugamskaya National Park, docent GM Iztleuov made a speech.
Separate garbage collection
Teachers of the Department of "Ecology" of the M.Auezov UCU together with students held an Environmental campaign "Separate garbage collection". Teachers and students took part in the action and called on all university students to participate in the event. Students responded to the action. The 3rd year students who helped to collect and sort waste were particularly active in this movement.
On the first floor of the Educational Building No. 1 (G.Ilyaeva, 5), 3 containers for separate garbage collection were opened:1- for plastic bottles, 2-for paper and 3-for used batteries.
Holding an online video conference on the G Global platform.
23.04.2009 faculty of the Department "Ecology" together with the G. L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University held an online videoconference on the theme "Transport and environment", in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru" and the international project Erasmus+ "Economy, ecology and infrastructure high-speed rail" on the platform G-Global.
The video conference was attended by teachers of the departments "Ecology", "Transport, organization of transport and traffic", representatives of the Center for international cooperation of M. AuezovSouth Kazakhstan State University, G. V. Telegina - Tyumen State University, Director of RIMS, coordinator of the TREASURE WATER project from partner countries, Professor Edgar Wagner - Deputy project coordinator of the leading University on the project TREASURE WATER University albert Ludwig, Freiburg, Germany, Zura Sansyzbayeva - coordinator of the project "EEIHSR" from L. N. GumilyovENU., as well as staff of the Department "Management and engineering in the field of environmental protection" of L. N. GumilevEurasian National University, International humanitarian-technical University, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University and representatives of the College of New Technologies of Shymkent city.
Reports on the following topics were discussed:
1."Шымкент қаласында экологиялық таза транспорттың даму мәселелері"-Iztleuov G. M. candidate of technical Sciences , associate professor of Department "Ecology" M. AuezovSKSU
2. «Использование отходов строящегося содового завода для безопасности движения транспорта»- Apsalyamov Bauyrzhan-doctor of technical Sciences., Professor, L. N. GumilevENU.
3. «Автокөлікке пайдаланатын жанар жағар майдың экологиялық таза баламалы түрлерін пайдалану мәселесі»- Isayevа R. A. candidate of technical Sciences., associate professor of Department "Ecology" M. Auezov SKSU
4. «Генезис становления транспортной цивилизации евразийских номодов»-Nurushev Murat Jusipbekovich. doctor of biology, Professor, L. N. Gumilev ENU.
5. «Автотранспорт жолы бойындағы элементтердің миграциялық қасиеттерінің өсімдіктерге және ауылшаруашылық өнімдерінің сапалық көрсеткіштеріне әсерін зерттеу» -Utebayev, A. A.,candidate of technical Sciences,associate professor of Department "Ecology" M. Auezov SKSU
6. "«Автотранспорттың қоршаған ортаға әсері-Masanov Airat Bagasharovich. candidate of technical Sciences , associate professor, L. N. Gumilev ENU.
All present took part in the discussion of these issues. The participants of the videoconference, noting the relevance of the problem of environmental safety of transport and the impact of its operation on the environment, proposed: the need for cooperation of competent organizations in order to develop joint action programs on fundamental education, research and implementation of scientific projects on the impact of transport on the environment and human health.
The final speech was made by candidate of technical Sciences , associate professorof "Ecology" M. Auezov SKSUShyngyshbaeva J. A. Thanked all the participants for their active participation. She expressed hope for strengthening cooperation between our universities.
Students of the Department of 5V060800- «Ecology» have successfully defended their diploma work. The chairman of the state attestation commission Talgat Kaldykozov sincerely congratulated the students and recommended to enter master degree.
Teachers of the department "Ecology" Satayeva L.M, Taubayeva A.S in the 26.05.2018-04.06.2018 period passed a scientific internship at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (Beijing, China). During the scientific internship the teachers got acquainted with the university, visited the classes, undergraduate's research laboratories, got acquainted with the basic cleaning methods and cleaning equipment for the natural surface water treatment of China.
The moment defending degree dissertation of postgraduet student of speciality6М060800-Еcology
Postgraduate student of speciality6М060800-Еcology