Research work, student research work
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SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY OF THE FACULTY OF THE HIGHER SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY THE SUBJECT OF RESEARCH CARRIED OUT UNDER GRANTS (GRANT FINANCING OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN) -13 1. AR 15573767 "Production of multi-vector smart long-acting intelligent fertilizers". The amount of financing for 2023 is 208,374,788 tenge. Project manager: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhantasov K.T. 2. No.422-PCf-23-25 "br21882181 Development of technology for the production of highly efficient materials based on mineral raw materials and man-made waste" The amount of financing is 320,000 million tenge, including 100,000 million tenge for 2023. Head: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.A. Narbayev 3. Agreement No. 177-2 dated 10/18/2022 by priority: 3. Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures; by sub-priority: 3.4 Integrated and waste-free use of mineral raw materials; applied research; on the topic: AP14869066 "Development of resource-saving slag-free technology for electrothermal processing of phosphorites", the amount of financing for 2023 is 16,000,000 (sixteen million) tenge. The head is V.M. Shevko (together with the Research Institute "Promising Metallurgical Technologies"). 4. A program-targeted financing project is being implemented jointly with the NC KPMS RK on the topic "Development of an integrated technology for processing difficult-to-enrich polymetallic ores from the Shalkiya and Zhairem deposits" within the framework of the BR19777171 program "Development of fundamentally new technologies for complex processing of polymetallic raw materials" for 2023 under agreement No. 35 dated June 16, 2023 between NC KPMS RK and KIR MIIR RK. (Agreement No. 7 dated July 10, 2023. The amount of financing for 2023 is 15,000,000 tenge). The head is V.M. Shevko (together with the Research Institute "Promising Metallurgical Technologies"). 5. The project of program-targeted financing of MVOiN BR21882181 "Development of technology for the production of highly efficient materials based on mineral raw materials and man-made waste" is being implemented (Section 4. Creation of effective technologies based on unconventional natural silica for the production of electropharphor, ceramic granite and ferroalloys. Head of the section Kurbanbayev M.E.) agreement No. 422 dated November 15, 2023. The head of the PCF Anarbayev A.A. The amount of financing for 2023 is 100 000 000 tenge, including for section 4 -25 000 000 tenge. 6. Household.agreement with SAS Tobe Technologies LLP No. 01/HT dated 02/23/2023 on the topic: "Development of optimal compositions of raw materials and research of firing processes and whiteness of clinkers of white Portland cement" worth 3 million tenge. Deadlines from March 1 to June 30 , 2023 7. Taimasov B.T. is the executor of the BR 21882292 project on the topic: "Integrated development of a sustainable construction industry: innovative technologies, production optimization, efficient use of resources and creation of a technology park" 8. 2 works on grants have been completed: The National Conservation Initiative Corporate Foundation, together with the Nazarbayev University Office of Sustainable Development, is implementing the Sustainability Living Lab program, sponsored by Chevron Munaigas Inc., aimed at implementing research and innovative projects on sustainable development on campus. Students, professors and University staff (project budget), including other payments from the budget, 800 thousand tenge). This year M. Auezov took part in this competition for the first time, 6 projects were presented, two of which became winners: 9. 3rd year student Ilyasova Ozada implemented the startup project "Ecofilter" in the amount of 1,200,000 tenge scientific supervisor A. Abduova 10. AP14871736 "Turkistan oblysyn sholeyt aimagyndagy tozgan auyl zhayylymdaryn utymdy paidalanudyn tiimdi technologiyalaryn azirleu". Gylym zhetekshi: T.G.D., Professor Kedelbaev B.S. Karzhylandyru kolemi: 49 000 000 tenge. 11. 2022-2024 zhyldarga arnalgan OSK "Zhanuarlar zhane osimdik tektes kaitalama shikizatty ondeudin keshendi technologiyasyn azirleu" "Tamak onimderi technologiyasi" department of management of birlesip 250 million tenge. Gylym zhetekshi: A.S.G.D., Professor Alibaev N.N. 12. AR19679027 "Development of a competitive technology for cleaning heat supply systems in order to save energy." Gylym zhetekshi: T.G.K., professor Kabylbekova B.N. 13. AP19679002 "Complex processing of phosphine-containing waste and industrial products of phosphorus production into environmentally safe products". Gylym zhetekshi: H.G.K., professor Tukibaeva A.S. RESEARCH TOPICS PERFORMED ON FUNDED TOPICS (INCLUDING CONTRACTUAL ONES) -7 1.AR 15573767 "production of multi-vector intelligent processes of prolonged activity". The amount of financing for 2023 is 208,374,788 tenge. Head of the project: D. T. N., Professor K. T. Zhantasov 2. No. 422-PCF-23-25 "Br21882181razrabotka technology production of highly effective materials on the basis of mineral cheese and technogenic materials" The sum of funding is млн 320,000 million.tenge, including 100,000 million tenge for 2023.tenge. Head: D. T. N., professor A. A. 3.AP14871736 development of effective technologies for the rational use of dilapidated rural pastures in the semi-desert zone of the Turkestan region. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of technical sciences, professor B. Sh.Kedelbayev 4. LIC for 2022-2024" development of a comprehensive technology for processing secondary raw materials of animal and plant origin "together with the Department of" Food Technology " received млн 250 million.tenge. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor N. N. Alibaev 5. AR19679027 "development of competitive and special technologies for the heating system with energy saving" scientific supervisor: candidate of technical sciences, professor B. N. Kabylbekova 6. AP19679002 "comprehensive processing of phosphorous products and products of phosphorous production in environmentally safe products". Scientific supervisor: candidate of chemical sciences, professor Tukibayeva A. S. grant GE2506 "bactericidal and zeolite filters for cleaning and cleaning pit water". Scientific supervisor: Doctor of technical sciences, professor N. O. Dzhakipbekova ACTUAL FINANCING OF RESEARCH The amount of funding for research and development for 2021 is 23,467,544 tenge. The amount of funding for research and development for 2022 is 87,096,423 tenge. The amount of funding for research and development for 2023 is 628,374,788 tenge The amount of funding for research and development for 2022-2024 is 81,000 US dollars 1. BR18574143 "development and introduction of technologies for the development of low-income water and provision of domestic water to the population and living agriculture" -320 million tenge 2.AR19679027 "development of competitive and special technologies on the basis of the Heat Supply System with energy saving". Scientific supervisor: candidate of technical sciences, professor Kabylbekova B. N. as of 2023 - 92,613,564 (ninety-two million six hundred thirteen thousand five hundred and sixty-four) tenge. 3. AP19679002 "comprehensive processing of phosphorous products and products of phosphorous production in environmentally safe products". Scientific supervisor: candidate of chemical sciences, professor Tukibayeva A. S. Total Total funding amount for 2023-92 613 564 tenge. grant GE2506 "bactericidal and zeolite filters for cleaning and cleaning pit water". Scientific supervisor: Doctor of technical sciences, professor Dzhakipbekova N. O. the total funding for 2022-2024 is 81,000 (eighty – one thousand) US dollars.ВЫПОЛНЯЕМЫЕ НАУЧНЫЕ PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS, INCLUDING SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS FOR WHICH THE UNIVERSITY IS THE PARENT-2 according to Appendix (E) 1.AR 15573767 "production of multi-vector intelligent processes of prolonged activity". The amount of financing for 2023 is 208,374,788 tenge. Head of the project: D. T. N., Professor K. T. Zhantasov 2.No. 422-PCF-23-25 "Br21882181razrabotka technology production of highly effective materials on the basis of mineral cheese and technogenic materials". The sum of funding is млн 320,000 million.tenge, including 100,000 million tenge for 2023.tenge. Head: D. T. N., professor Anarbayev A. A. 3. BR18574143 "development and introduction of technologies for the maintenance of low-income water and the provision of residential water to the population and living agriculture". 4.AP14871736 development of effective technologies for the rational use of dilapidated rural pastures in the semi-desert zone of the Turkestan region. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of technical sciences, professor B. Sh.Kedelbayev 5. LIC for 2022-2024" development of a complex technology for processing secondary raw materials of animal and plant origin "together with the Department of" Food Technology " received млн 250 million.tenge. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor N. N. Alibaev THE MOST SIGNIFICANT SCIENTIFIC AND CREATIVE RESULTS Good scientific and creative results were shown during the reporting period: - Decision of the National Scientific Council on the competition of grant financing for young students on the project "ZhasGalym" for 2022-2024 by the end of the 3rd year of the following doctoral students of the Department: 1.AR15473115 "comprehensive study of the process of removing low-carbon phosphorites with the introduction of organic fertilizers". Head: PhD doctor Raiymbekov E. B. 2.AR15473348 "development of a new technology for obtaining humatsoderary complex mineral recovery". Head: PhD student Omarov B. 3.AR14972664 "development of technologies for obtaining humanitarian benefits for the improvement of agricultural crops and agriculture". Head: PhD Dr. Smailov B. M. 4.AR15473325 "study of the possibility of obtaining chromite pigments from technogenic origin for textile industry". Head: PhD student Turakulov B. B. 5. AR15473438 "development of resource-saving technologies of complex brainchild prolongation of activity on the basis of activated low-cost phosphorite cheese". Head: PhD doctor Bazhirova K. N. 6. AP14972915 "development of technology for obtaining thermosolest composite polymer stabilizers for Burrow Wells". Head: PhD student Artykovazh.K. - On June 9, 2023, doctoral student Pazylova D. T. defended her doctoral dissertation. scientific leaders: D. T. N., Professor A. S. Tleuov and zarubezhny scientific consultant D. T. N., Professor B. A. Lavrov. - September 18, 2023, doctoral student D. T. Pazylovoy was awarded the step of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Order No. 512. - October 9, 2023 doctoral student R. S. Abzhalov was awarded the master's degree in Philosophy (PhD), Order No. 4256-B/A. The Department of Biotechnology took an active part in the Green Metric Ranking of World Universities. Our university entered the top-500, the number of 458 places among 912 vuzov Mira and 6 places among 16 vuzov - participants of our country. UI Green Metric - this is the first and unified rating, which determines the relevance of universities in the development of "environmental infrastructure". The purpose of the rating is the introduction of the academic community to the resolution of the environmental problem. According to the ranking of such criteria, as the general attitude of the campus to the private sector, the use of transport on the territory of the university, educational courses on environmental problems and sustainable development, research background, scientific work on environmental problems, Smart Campus, Green Construction, the need for energy and power to the surrounding environment, the use of packages and plastics, rational use of Water Resources, greenhouse zones and Dr. from October 12 to 25, 2023, work was carried out on a joint program and research project between the University of Zagreb named after M. Auezov. Project topic: No. AP19679879 "development of technology for microcapsulation of probiotics for the enrichment of functional drinks based on waste from the dairy industry". Chairman of the board-rector Yukuim. M. AuezovaKozhamzharova Daria Perneshovna signed an agreement on the international project GE2506 "bactericidal and zeolite filters for cleaning and cleaning of waste water", the participants of the project are such countries, such as Georgia, Armenia and Kazakhstan, for the implementation of 2022-2024. grant the Ministry of Finance of Japan. Participants of the project are associate professors and teachers of the Department "Ecology", "chemistry", "Neftepererabotka and neftekhimiya", head of the project N. O. Dzhakipbekova. The rector of Tbilisi State University Georgy Sharvashidze, Rector of Armenian National Agrarian University VardanUrutyan were also appointed. Partners of the project are such countries as USA, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Greece, Bulgaria. From 15 to 26 June 2023, the International Summer School "green technologies"wasorganized.In accordance with the program of summer schools" green technologies", organized jointly with the departments" Biotechnology "(moderator Mutaliyeva B. zh.) and" Ecology " (moderator).CAF. "Ecology" (zh.Shingisbaeva) gave lectures in various universities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Spain, Norway, Uzbekistan, Belgium. In the International Summer School" green technologies " took part students and undergraduates of the following universities: Bukhar Engineering and Technological Institute,Kazakh architectural and Construction Academy, Technical University of Moldova, Ukrainian state chemical and Technological University, Tyumensky State University, Bukharsky State Medical Institute im.Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Ural Federal University. B. B. Tsin, Institute of management and economics, Kokshetau State University. YUKGU im. Sh. Ualikhanova, Yuzhno-Kazakhstan Medical Academy. After graduation, students and undergraduates of the summer school received certificates. PPS VSH took active part in the Green Metric Ranking of World Universities. Our university entered the top-500, ranked 458 places among 912 countries of the world and 6 places among 16 countries of the world. UI Green Metric is the first and unified rating that reduces the level of development of "environmental infrastructure"universities. The purpose of the rating is to introduce the academic community to the solution of the environmental problem. Differentiation includes the public attitude to the campus in the private sector, the use of transport on the territory of the university, educational courses on environmental issues and sustainable development, research background, scientific work on environmental issues, Smart Campus, Green Construction, Energy and the impact on the environment, the use of packages and plastics, the effective use of Water Resources, thermal zones, etc. were adopted in the introduction of such criteria, as B. In February 2023, according to the results of the competition, Dzhakipbekova N. O. was awarded an international grant. April 25, 2022 at the name of M. Auezova. Chairman-Rector of the training Department Kozhamzharova Daria Perneshovna signed the Treaty of the international project GE2506 "bactericidal and zeolite filters for purification and disinfection of Drinking Water". The participants of this project are countries such as Georgia, Armenia and Kazakhstan, the years of implementation-2022-2024. Project Manager N. O. Dzhakipbekova, project participants associate professors and teachers of the departments" fundamentals of Chemistry and Chemical Technology"," Ecology"," oil refining and petrochemistry". The agreement was also signed by the rector of Tbilisi State University Georgy Sharvashidze and the rector of the National Agrarian University of Armenia VardanUrutyan. The partners of the project are such countries as the USA, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Greece. RESEARCH RESULTS IMPLEMENTED IN PRODUCTION THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTED IN PRODUCTION (CONFIRMED BY THE ACT) – 17 Acts of implementation of research results into production -7: 1. The act of introduction into production of Neftekhimstroy-Yug LLP. ACT No. 311, 05/19/23 w. Technikalyk mamandyktar boyynsha gylym-zertteu zhumystarynn natizhelerin memlekettik budget GZZH B-21-03-02 "Development of technology for deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan" shenberinde "Neftekhimstroy-Yug" ZHSHS ondirisine engizu. Takyryby: Ways to improve the operational and environmental properties of motor fuels from Kazakhstan's crude oil. Daurenbek N.M., Sagitova G.F., Sarsenbayeva A.U. 2. The act of introduction into production of Neftekhimstroy-Yug LLP. ACT, No.310, 05/19/23 J. Technikalyk mamandyktar boyynsha gylym-zertteu zhumystaryn natizhelerin memlekettik budget GZZH B-21-03-02 "Development of technology for deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan" shenberinde "Neftekhimstroy-Yug" ZHSHS ondirisine engizu. Taqyryby: Intensification of the catalytic cracking process using gas oils of secondary origin and oily waste. Daurenbek N.M., Sagitova G.F., Sarsenbayeva A.U. 3. An act within the framework of state budgetary research-21-03-01 "Development of technology for the production of multifunctional gel-forming polyelectrolytes, surfactants, composite polymer materials, high-tech rubber mixtures and ingredients for the rubber industry" on the topic "Study of the effect of sapstock on the properties of elastomers" at Eco-Tire LLP. Beisenbaev O.K., Sakibaeva S.A., Sagitova G.F., Kalmataeva G.N. No.277, 02/10/2013. 4. An act within the framework of state budgetary research-21-03-01 "Development of technology for the production of multifunctional gel-forming polyelectrolytes, surfactants, composite polymer materials, high-tech rubber compounds and ingredients for the rubber industry" on the topic "Formulation development of rubber mixtures using waste from the fat and oil industry" at Eco-Tire LLP". Beisenbaev O.K., Sakibaeva S.A., Sagitova G.F., Kalmataeva G.N. No.011, 10/23/2013. 5. An act within the framework of state budgetary research-21-03-02 "Development of technology for deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on the topic "Research of operational characteristics of road bitumen modified with polymer waste" at Neftekhimstroy-Yug LLP. Daurenbek N.M., Sagitova G.F., Ainabekov N.B. No.001, 12.09.23. 6. Act within the framework of state budgetary research-21-03-02 "Development of technology for deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on the topic "Modification of petroleum bitumen by waste of rubber products and EBG" at Neftekhimstroy LLP-South. Daurenbek N.M., Sagitova G.F., Ainabekov N.B. No.002, 09/12/23. 7. The act of field tests on the use of composite polymer stabilizers based on acrylonitrile and methyl methacrylate, vinyl sulfate and fatty acids of gossypolic acid as a thermo-salt-resistant reagent stabilizer of drilling fluids at NUPTS Munaygazproekt LLP. Artykova Zh.K., Beisenbayev O.K., Nadirov K.S. Act No.010 18.10.2023 8. The act of introducing the results of scientific research into production: "application of technology for cleaning water sources and purification of drinking water with wood powder" in LLP"STROY MANAGEMENT GROUP" 9. The ACT of introducing pilot industrial research into production on the topic:"Purification of water supply sources and application of polysorbent drinking water purification technology" in STROY MANAGEMENT GROUP LLP. 10. The act of introducing the results of scientific research into production:: silica gel purification technology purification of water supply sources and purification of drinking water" in STROY MANAGEMENT GROUP LLP. 11. The act of introducing the results of scientific research into production:"purification of water supply sources using zeolite sorbent and the use of drinking water purification technology by the purification method "LLP"BUILD MANAGEMENT GROUPS". 12. The act of introducing the results of scientific research into production: "application of the technology of purification of aluminosilicate sorbentpensu" in STROY MANAGEMENT GROUP LLP. THE RESULTS OF RESEARCH ARE IMPLEMENTED IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS-9 The results of research on g/b topics are introduced into the educational process in the form of additions to the sections of lectures, laboratory and practical classes of students, graduate students, doctoral students, in the UIRS, term papers and theses of students, master's and doctoral dissertations. № Title Author Date Note 1 Act introduction of fNIR No. 334 from 01.06.2023 G. in the lecture on the discipline "chemistry and technology of Special cements" lecture No. 11. Таймасов Б.Т. 01.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 2 Act of implementation of research and development No. 335 dated 06/01/2023 in the discipline "Arnayycementterdinchemiyasy men technologiyasy" Laboratory lesson No. 6 Taimasov B.T., Dauletiyarov M.S. 01.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 3 Act introduction Nir No. 336 from 01.06.2023 G. in the lecture on the discipline "chemistry and technology of Special cements" lecture No. 11. Timasov B.T. 01.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 4 Act introduction Nir No. 337 from 01.06.2023 G. on discipline "chemistry and technology of Special cements", practical lesson No. 6. Taimasov B.T., Dauletiyarov M.S. 01.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 5 Act of introduction of research and development No. 339 dated 06/02/2023 in lecture classes of the discipline "Electrothermy of inorganic materials" section "Theory of phosphorus reduction" Shevko V. M. Badikova A.D., Uteeva R. A. 02.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 6 Act of introduction of research and development No.340 dated 06/02/2023 in lecture classes of the discipline "Electrothermy of inorganic materials" section "Theory of phosphorus reduction" Karataeva G. E. Shevko V. M. Uteeva R. A.,, Badikova A.D., Lavrov B. A. 02.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 7 Act of introduction of research and development No. 341 dated 06/02/2023 in lecture classes of the discipline "Planning, conducting research" section "Methodology of conducting research work" Karataeva G. Well. Shevko V. M. Badikova A. D., Britanova G. A..Polatova K. M. 02.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 8 Act of introduction of research and development No. 342 dated 06/02/2023 in the lecture classes of the discipline "Current state of waste-free metallurgical technologies" section "Processing of enrichment tailings" Karataeva G. E. Uzumbet J. S. Polatova K. M. 02.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 9 Act of introduction of research and development No. 343 dated 06/02/2023 in lecture classes of the discipline "Planning, conducting research" section "Methodology of conducting research work" Shevko V.M. Badikova A.D. Tuleev M. A. KarataevaG.Well. Uteeva R.A. 02.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 10 Act of introduction of research and development No. 344 dated 06/02/2023 in lecture classes of the discipline "Current state of waste-free metallurgical technologies" section "Processing of ferrous metallurgy dusts with extraction of non-ferrous metals" Sinelnikov I.P., Shevko V.M., Aitkulov D.K., UdalovYu.P. 02.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 11 Act of introduction of research and development No. 345 dated 06/02/2023 in the lecture classes of the discipline "Current state of waste-free metallurgical technologies" section "Processing of enrichment tailings" Shevko V.M. Aitkulov D.K., Nurpeisova A.M., Lavrov B.A. 02.06.2023 intheeducationalprocess 12 The act of introducing FNIR No.02 dated 08/28/2023 into the lecture lesson on the discipline "Electrothermy of inorganic materials", section "Electric melting of Karatauphosphorites" Shevko V.M. Karataeva G.E.Uteeva R.A.,, Badikova A.D., Lavrov B.A. 28.08.2023 intheeducationalprocess 13 Act of introduction of the Federal Research Institute No.03 dated 08/28/2023 in a lecture lesson on the discipline "Electrothermy of inorganic materials", section "Technology for obtaining calcium carbide" Shevko V.M. Badikova A.D., Tuleev M.A., KarataevaG.E.Uteeva R.A. 28.08.2023 intheeducationalprocess 14 Act of introduction of the Federal Research Institute No.04 dated 08/28/2023 in a lecture lesson on the discipline "Electrothermy of inorganic materials", section "Theory of phosphorus reduction" Shevko V.M. Badikova A.D., Uteeva R.A. 28.08.2023 intheeducationalprocess PATENTS During the reporting period, the PPP in Kazakhstan received 15 copyright certificates for the invention and 5 patents for a utility model of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Patentsandcopyrightcertificates 1 Raw material mixture for production of Portland cement clinker Patent No.36495 onapplication No.2022/0538.1 Taimasov B.T. Dauletiyarov M.S., Zhanikulov N.N., Kuandykova A.E., Abdullin A.A. and others. A patent for an invention 2 programfor EVM "Electroplating of oxide zinc ore / electric smelting of oxide zinc ores" No. 40578 datedNovember 20, 2023 Shevko V. M., Karataeva G. E., Britanova G.A., Polatova K.M. Certificate of the copyright object 3 computer program Electronic textbook "Using the method of partial pressurediagramsinmetallurgy" No. 40911 datedDecember 1, 2023 Shevko V. M., Aitkulov D. K., Sinelnikova I.P. Certificate of the copyright object 4 Ceramic mass for the manufacture of porcelain stoneware Registration number 2023/0160.1 dated 03/06/2023 Дархан Ә. З. Есимов Б.О. Анарбаев А. А., Адырбаев Б. О. Зобнин Н. Application for a patent for an invention 5 Ultramarine pigment of blue color Reg.No.2023/0162.1 dated 03/06/2023 A. A. Aitulova, B. O. Yesimov, V. I. Vereshchagin, A. A. Anarbayev, Zh. Kalmat Application for a patent for an invention 6 A method for producing ferrosilicon from Si-Fe-C containing raw materials No.2023/0611.2 dated 06.06.2023 Shevko V. M., Nurpeisova A.M., Aitkulov D. K., Britanova G. A. Application for a patent for a utility model 7 A method for processing ordinary phosphorite by electric melting Registration number of the application 2023/0922.2, dated 09/15/2023 Shevko V.M., Uteeva R.A., Aitkulov D.K., Badikova A.D., Lavrov B.A. Application for a patent for a utility model PROMOTION OF RESEARCH WORK, PUBLICATIONS IN THE MEDIA The work of all HSE departments on research is covered on social networks Instagram and Facebook and in the media. In March 2023, PhD, Professor Iztleuov G. M. and associate Professor Abduova A. A. gave an interview to the correspondent of the program "Tansholpan " of the TV channel "Kazakhstan-Shymkent " on topical issues of the current ecological state of the South Kazakhstan region and problematic issues of ecology for sustainable development on the scientific developments of the department
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