PhD programme, master’s programme
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Personnel training is conducted according to the educational programs of doctoral and master's degree at the Department of Oil Refining and Petrochemistry:
-8D07170- Chemical technology of organic substances
-8D07171 – Petrochemistry
-8D07172 - Oil and Gas Processing Technology
-7M07170- Chemical technology of organic substances
-7M07173- Petrochemistry
-7M07176- Oil and Gas Processing Technology
The Department of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry has been training personnel for the educational program 8D072100-"Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" since 2009; in ЕP 8D07171-Petrochemistry ЕP 8D07172-Oil and gas processing technology from the 2021-2022 academic year. Training of masters has been conducted since 2004.
The department has created all the necessary conditions for research undergraduates and doctoral students.
The topics of dissertations of doctoral students and undergraduates are carried out as close as possible to the real technological conditions of production.
The department has academic ties with leading foreign leading scientific organizations and industrial enterprises in the field of petrochemistry and oil refining, which make it possible to use advanced foreign experience in training doctors for research and expert-practical activities and to involve competent foreign specialists in the scientific guidance and consulting of doctoral students. Foreign supervisors of doctoral students in different years were leading scientists from the following universities:Padeborn University (Germany), the company "Process Petro Beam" (USA), USM University (Malaysia), Heriot-Watt University (Scotland), Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Kazan Federal University, St. Petersburg State Technical University (Russia), High Technology Center (Tashkent), Technical University of Munich (Germany).
Doctoral students and undergraduates can take a scientific internship at leading universities in the countries of the far and near abroad. Also, doctoral and undergraduates can undergo additional training with subsequent certification at the Summer and Winter Schools of Petroleum Engineering, which operate at the Department of "OR&PCh". The educational program in Summer and winter schools is carried out by the teaching staff of the department, specialists from the CIS and foreign countries are invited, including engineers and managers from leading companies in the oil and gas sector of Kazakhstan.
Within the framework of the CIS Network University, there are master's degree programs in the educational programs "Oil Refining Technology" (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas), "Chemical Technology of Fuel and Gas" (Kuban State Technological University); "Technology of Oil and Gas Processing" (Samara State Technical University).
The University has a Dissertation Council in the direction of Chemical Technology of PhD specialties: 6D072000 - Chemical technology of inorganic substances, 6D072100 - Chemical technology of organic substances.
From 2012 to the present day, 12 doctoral dissertations have been defended on EP 6D072100- Chemical technology of organic substances.
3 doctoral students of the department defended their doctoral dissertations and received approval In 2020.
-Marenov B.T. "Preparation of composite depressor additives using cotton tar and soapstocks for the transportation of paraffin oil" - Scientific supervisors: PhD, Professors Nadirov K.S. and Ramazanova E.E., (Research Institute "Geotechnological problems of Oil and Gas and Chemistry", Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan);
- Otarbayev N.S. "Development of technology for obtaining oil demulsification reagents on the basis of by-products of cotton tar processing" - Scientific supervisors: Nadirov K.S.- Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor and Kapustin V.M.-Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas;
-Agabekova A.B. " Development of technology for the production of paints on the basis of stabilized bitumen " - Scientific supervisors: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Syrmanova K.K. and Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Rivkna T.V. (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
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