General information
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Currently, the department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" is preparing bachelors, masters and doctors of PhD in educational programs 6В07160, 7М07160 and 7М07162, 8D07160 - "Chemical technology of inorganic substances".
Since 2015 according to the State program of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (SPIID-2) for 2015-2019 (it is approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 01.08.2014 No.874) M.Auezov SKSU for the first time began the training of highly qualified personnel by means of master and PhD programs for priority branches of the South Kazakhstan.
For this purpose the training masters of the core direction in accordance with the educational programs “Synthesis of multicomponent mineral fertilizers” and “Innovative technologies of inorganic acids and salts” based on “Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances” is performed for 3 years.
Skilled professors and associate professors are involved in the training of undergraduates. Foreign professors and scientists are also involved to master students’ training: Dr., professor Kai-Olaf Hinrichsenand Dr., professor Fritz Kuhn (Technical University of Munich, Germany), Dr.Sci.Tech., professor Dormeshkin O.B. (BSTU, Minsk, Belarus), Dr.Sci.Tech., professor Petropavlovskii I.A. (D.MendeleevRChTU, Moscow, Russian Federation) and Dr., professor Havier Rodrigo Ilarri (Polytechnical University of Valensia, Spain).
Based on the decision of MES RK Department of Higher and Postograduate education, The “Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances” specialty from M. Auezov SKSU was included in the list of ten educational programs to be realized in English.
Since 2017 September CTIS department trains a student group in English in all disciplines excluding language subjects and “Modern History of Kazakhstan” on the educational program “Processing of mineral and technogenic raw materials”. This program was developed in participation of leading domestic enterprises in the field of technology of inorganic substances. They are “Kazphosphat” LLP (Taraz), “Kainar” LLP (Shymkent), “KazAzot” (Aktau).
The educational master programs “Synthesis of multicomponent mineral fertilizers” and “Innovative technologies of inorganic acids and salts” and the bachelor program “Processing of mineral and technogenic raw materials” have successfully passed the International expertise in European Chemical thematic network (ECTN) in 2017 and were awarded euro labels “Euro master” and “Euro bachelor”.
At the department, 23 teachers, including 7 doctors of sciences, professors and 9 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 2 doctors of PhD and 3 masters of science, including 13 holders of the grant “The best teacher University ”: Moldabekov Sh.M. - Academician of the NAS RK, Doc.Tech.Sci., Professor, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education; Zhantasov K.T. - Doc.Tech.Sci., Professor, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education; Can.Tech.Sci., Professor Seitmagzimova G.M.; Doc.Tech.Sci., Professor Tleuov A.S.; Doc.Tech.Sci., Professor Zhekeyev M.K.; Can.Tech.Sci., associate professor Tleuova S.T.; Doc.Tech.Sci., Professor Besterekov U.B.; Can.Tech.Sci., associate professor Kadirbaeva A.A.; PhD. Nazarbek U.B.; Doc.Tech.Sci., Professor Sataev M.S.; Doc.Tech.Sci., Professor Anarbaev A.A., Can.Tech.Sci., associate professor Koshkarbaeva Sh.T., Can.Tech.Sci., associate professor Bolysbek A.A.
The degree of teaching staff of the department is 78.3%.
Accreditation of laboratories
For training of master degree students two laboratories equipped with modern analytical devices and necessary equipment have been created. Accreditation of laboratories “Synthesis of multicomponentmineral fertilizers” and “Technology of inorganic acids and salts”onconformity with GOST ISO/IEC17025-2009was implemented in 2018, and on April, 19 we received a document about favorable decision of National Accreditation Center and an accreditation certificate of two laboratories, which are a part of Test centre of Chemical and Food Engineering and Silicate Materials of M.Auezov SKSU.