Academic modility
- Hits: 321
Academic mobility in the university is carried out through the implementation of the following mechanisms:
-Travel of students for theoretical and practical training abroad on educational programs;
-Organization of summer semester for separate educational programs with the invitation of teachers and students from other universities to ensure mobility;
- Organization of training placements for the teaching staff in other higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad to enhance the academic exchange
Academic mobility is an integral part of the educational programs implemented at the department, carried out through exchange programs, summer and winter school, internal and external academic mobility.
In different years students of the department on the program of external academic mobility were trained in the Prague Institute of Chemical Technology: Dosmakanbet G., Mahmut A., Narmetova T., Isabaeva L., Dmitriev I., Kim M.; Yntymak A., Amanhan A.
In 2016-2017 academic year the master's student Mamadjanov I. was trained at the Technical University of Valencia (Spain) under Erasmus+ program.
In different years undergraduates and doctoral candidates were trained: Kovaleva A. (Technical University of Munich (Germany), Botashev E. (Kazan NITU), Dzhakipbekov E. , Sayymkulova A., Isaev A. (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas), B. Asilbekova (I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University), D. Tleuov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas), E. Saiykulova (D. I. Mendeleyev Russian State Technical University), M. Nalibayev (Beruni Tashkent State Technical University) and others.
In the framework of internal outbound academic mobility in different years were trained: Kogai E. A. Gromova (KBTU), K. Tashmetova (ATU). (KBTU), Tashmetova K (ATU), Bekbaeva A., Atibek N., Amangeldi A. (H. DosmukhamedovAtyrau State University).
In the framework of internal incoming academic mobility at the Department were trained: 2 masters (Zhangir KhanKBTU), 1 student from KBTU, 7 students from the Eurasian National University (Astana).
The Department of «Oil Refining and Petrochemicals» has international Summer and Winter Schools of Petroleum Engineering. School format: master classes in the laboratories of the university and at the industrial site of the city's enterprises. Participants of the Summer and Winter Petroleum Engineering Schools get a chance to get acquainted with the state-of-the-art technologies in the field of oil refining and petrochemicals; work on mini-projects formulated by teachers or suggested as ideas by the participants themselves, and defend the project results at the final contest. Educational programs at the Summer and Winter Schools are carried out by the faculty of the Department, specialists from CIS and non-CIS countries are invited, including engineers and managers from leading oil and gas companies of Kazakhstan.
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