Research work, student research work
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Educational and research work is subordinated to the main task - to ensure close communication with industrial enterprises of the oil and gas complex, industry science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The department has created all the necessary conditions for fundamental, applied, research, development work, as well as for innovation. The laboratories are equipped with the latest equipment and instruments. Teachers and students have the opportunity to conduct research in the certified laboratory of physical and chemical methods of analysis "SAPA", the regional research laboratory of engineering profile "IRLIP" SKU named after M. Auezov. The research work of the department has an innovative focus and is devoted to research in the field of oil refining and petrochemistry. The department carries out work on 4 topics of state budget research:
B-21-03-01 Development of technology for obtaining polyfunctional gel-forming polyelectrolytes, surfactants, composite polymer materials, high-tech rubber compounds and ingredients for the rubber industry. Head of the topic: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Beisenbaev O.K .;
B-21-03-02 Development of new technologies and processes for processing heavy petroleum feedstock to obtain composite materials. Leader of the topic: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor KK Syrmanova;
B-21-03-02 Development of technology for deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Leader of the topic: candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Daurenbek N.M.
B-21-03-03 Development of new optimal catalytic systems for selective hydrogenation of saturated and unsaturated oxocompounds.
Leader of the topic: candidate of chemical sciences., associate professor Khaldarov N.Kh. Students of the department take part in the implementation of the g / b research work. The management of the research work of students is carried out by the teaching staff of the department. The students of the department are the winners of competitions and conferences of international, republican and regional significance: the Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty "Chemical technology of organic substances", the republican competition of diploma works and projects, the competition of scientific research work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc. The topic of the graduate qualification work of the students of the department is devoted to various theoretical and practical issues, covering a complex of problems in the following main areas: development of promising technologies for deep processing of oil and gas for the production of high-octane gasolines, high-index diesel fuels and industrial oils, additives based on thermal, thermocatalytic and thermal products, hydrocatalytic processes; development of technology for the production of monomers, polymers, emulsifiers of oil fractions, stabilizers of drilling fluids and the use of new composite polymeric materials of polyelectrolytes, interpolymer complexes, surfactants based on hydrocarbon raw materials, heavy oil residues and cotton cellulose: development of formulations of rubber mixtures using domestic raw materials and secondary polymer materials for the production of tires and industrial rubber goods: development of domestic multifunctional adsorbents for the complex purification of kerosene-gas oil fractions of Kazakhstani oils; development of technologies for processing oil sludge, etc. Research results are reflected in: foreign rating journals Thomson Reuters (Web of Science) (Thomson Reuters (web of science,) or included in the Scopus, Pubmed, zbMath, MathScinet, Agris, Georef, Astrophysical journal; JSTORE) (Scopus, Pabmed, zbMaaz, Maazskainet, Egris, Joref, Astrofizikol jernl, JayStor) scientific publications recommended by the Committee for the Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science; monographs; innovative patents and copyright certificates
Leader of the topic: candidate of chemical sciences., associate professor Khaldarov N.Kh. Students of the department take part in the implementation of the g / b research work. The management of the research work of students is carried out by the teaching staff of the department. The students of the department are the winners of competitions and conferences of international, republican and regional significance: the Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty "Chemical technology of organic substances", the republican competition of diploma works and projects, the competition of scientific research work of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc. The topic of the graduate qualification work of the students of the department is devoted to various theoretical and practical issues, covering a complex of problems in the following main areas: development of promising technologies for deep processing of oil and gas for the production of high-octane gasolines, high-index diesel fuels and industrial oils, additives based on thermal, thermocatalytic and thermal products, hydrocatalytic processes; development of technology for the production of monomers, polymers, emulsifiers of oil fractions, stabilizers of drilling fluids and the use of new composite polymeric materials of polyelectrolytes, interpolymer complexes, surfactants based on hydrocarbon raw materials, heavy oil residues and cotton cellulose: development of formulations of rubber mixtures using domestic raw materials and secondary polymer materials for the production of tires and industrial rubber goods: development of domestic multifunctional adsorbents for the complex purification of kerosene-gas oil fractions of Kazakhstani oils; development of technologies for processing oil sludge, etc. Research results are reflected in: foreign rating journals Thomson Reuters (Web of Science) (Thomson Reuters (web of science,) or included in the Scopus, Pubmed, zbMath, MathScinet, Agris, Georef, Astrophysical journal; JSTORE) (Scopus, Pabmed, zbMaaz, Maazskainet, Egris, Joref, Astrofizikol jernl, JayStor) scientific publications recommended by the Committee for the Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science; monographs; innovative patents and copyright certificates
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