General information

For conducting educational process the department has very well developed technical base of educational and methodical materials. Chemical research laboratories "General chemistry", "Inorganic chemistry", "Organic chemistry", "Analytical chemistry", "Colloid chemistry", "Physical chemistry", "Technological processes and devices" and "General chemical technology" are organized at the department. All disciplines are taught in Kazakh, Russian and English.

The total area of the department "Chemistry and ВСT" is 663.75 square meters. Its 81.75 square meters consists of 2 lecture rooms and 473.25 square meters of 10 laboratories. They are equipped with modern laboratory instruments: laboratory ionomers I-160 MI, "Ohaus" PA-214 electronic and laboratory analytical scales "Ohaus" RA-214 and analytical scales, Liston C 2204 centrifuge, Biomed 2 microscope, 454B 2M refractometer, drying cabinets, muffle furnaces, aquadistillator, orbital shaker, interactive whiteboards, computers and much more.

The audience of the 307A and 403A, 407A laboratories are equipped with an interactive whiteboard. For the interactive conduct of the lesson, a wide-screen demonstration of the introduction of virtual laboratory work, video lectures, electronic books, demonstration presentations, large-format multimedia files is widely used.

407A - laboratory named after academician Z. Moldakhmetov. An interactive whiteboard was received as part of the Tempus project (2016). Project leader: Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nazarbekova S.P.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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