

 14.11.2018 at 08:30

Senior Lecturer Nogayev T.B. conducts an open lesson - a lecture on the topic “Methods of examination with an electron microscope. Preparation of samples for electron microscopic studies" Venue for open lesson – 206Б Engineering Profile Testing Laboratory (IRLIP) "Constructional and biochemical materials"


Уважаемые студенты и преподаватели приглашаем Вас на праздничное мероприятие, проводимое студентами кафедры «Технологии цемента, керамики и стекла» 13 декабря 2017 года, приуроченное ко дню Независимости Республики Казахстан «Елімнің бақытын тербеткен Тәуелсіздік!» Место проведения: аудитория 127А, здание №1, время: 1040

Dear students, teachers and guests of the Department 06-07 2017года at the Department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" in the framework of the 20th scientific conference on natural, technical, socio-humanitarian science: "NEW DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN-THE GOAL OF THE YOUTH OF THE COUNTRY OF THE GREAT STEPPE" will be the student section "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" in the classroom 201 of building No. 1 from 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 -17:00. We invite everyone to visit the conference.

FOOTBALL Spartakiade devoted to the 60 anniversary of Serikbayev Bolatzhan Ermahanovich – c.t.s., associate professor chair of «Technology of cement, ceramics and glass» March 12 at the stadium "Burevestnik" held a festive tournament among football teams M.Auezov SKSU lovers he dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Serikbayev B.Ye. – c.t.s., associate professor of the chair "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass". The anniversary competition will be attended by four teams of football fans.

  1. Team master students and students
  2. Teacher team and staff
  3. Team of football veterans
  4. The visiting team

We look forward to and welcome all comers and stakeholders. Coordinators Spartakiads:
1. Senior Lecturer Kurbanbaev Mukhtar – 87029734704

2. Department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" - 300763


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