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14.11.2018 at 08:30
Senior Lecturer Nogayev T.B. conducts an open lesson - a lecture on the topic “Methods of examination with an electron microscope. Preparation of samples for electron microscopic studies" Venue for open lesson – 206Б Engineering Profile Testing Laboratory (IRLIP) "Constructional and biochemical materials"
Уважаемые студенты и преподаватели приглашаем Вас на праздничное мероприятие, проводимое студентами кафедры «Технологии цемента, керамики и стекла» 13 декабря 2017 года, приуроченное ко дню Независимости Республики Казахстан «Елімнің бақытын тербеткен Тәуелсіздік!» Место проведения: аудитория 127А, здание №1, время: 1040
Dear students, teachers and guests of the Department 06-07 2017года at the Department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" in the framework of the 20th scientific conference on natural, technical, socio-humanitarian science: "NEW DEVELOPMENT OF KAZAKHSTAN-THE GOAL OF THE YOUTH OF THE COUNTRY OF THE GREAT STEPPE" will be the student section "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" in the classroom 201 of building No. 1 from 10:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 -17:00. We invite everyone to visit the conference.
FOOTBALL Spartakiade devoted to the 60 anniversary of Serikbayev Bolatzhan Ermahanovich – c.t.s., associate professor chair of «Technology of cement, ceramics and glass» March 12 at the stadium "Burevestnik" held a festive tournament among football teams M.Auezov SKSU lovers he dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Serikbayev B.Ye. – c.t.s., associate professor of the chair "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass". The anniversary competition will be attended by four teams of football fans.
- Team master students and students
- Teacher team and staff
- Team of football veterans
- The visiting team
We look forward to and welcome all comers and stakeholders. Coordinators Spartakiads:
1. Senior Lecturer Kurbanbaev Mukhtar – 87029734704
2. Department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" - 300763