Scientific research work, SSRW
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Scientists of the department «Technologies of cement, ceramics and glass» professor Khudyakova T.M., professor Taymasov B.T., associate professor Kolesnikov A.S., PhD student Zhanikulov N.N., together with the professor of the department «Technology of cement and composite materials» of Belgorod V.G. Shukhov State Technological University doctor of technical sciences Barbanagre V.D., and with the head of the technical control of department of the « Semey Cement plant» LLP Polyakova I.I. received two Kazakhstan patents:
1) The useful model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 3159. The method of roasting of low-basic fast-hardening clinker. / Publ. dated from 09/17/2018, bull. № 37;
2) The useful model patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan №3160. Raw mix for portland cement clinker. / publ. dated from 09/17/2018, bul. №. 37
These patents were obtained as a result of scientific research conducted in the frame of the implementation of a scientific grant under contract №. 203 by priority: “Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products”, by sub-priority: “Technologies of processing raw materials and products” on topic №. 1513/GF4 “Investigation of the influence of phase transformations of clinker minerals during high-temperature alloying on the basic properties of low-base fast-hardening cement” State institution “Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in the period from 2015 on 2017.
A basic scientific direction of the chair for 2016-2020 is “Development of innovative and improved technologies and silicate building materials based on mineral raw material base and industrial wastes of the Republic of Kazakhstan». All the researches are divided on six directions:
1. "Geological-mineralogical and technological aspects of the development of industrial-technical mineral resources" - the supervisor Ph. D., Professor B. O. Yessimov
2. "Development of resource-saving technologies and improving the quality of binders and composite materials" - supervisors Ph. D., Professor Taimasov B. T, Ph. D., Professor Khudyakova T. M.
3. "Optimization of material composition, improvement of production technology and increase the quality of materials from ceramics and glass" - supervisors Ph. D., associate Professor Sadyrbaeva T. A.; candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor Dubinina E. S.
4. "Synthesis of oil and gas single crystals" - the supervisor Ph. D., Professor B. O. Yessimov
5. "Development of technology of production of proppants" - the supervisor Ph. D., Professor B. O. Yessimov
Also, the chair performed two funded by the MES grant for the project:
- agreement №339-20 from 13.05.2016 G. "a Study of low-temperature processes klinker formation in the commodity mix of non-traditional raw materials and wastes" - the supervisor Ph. D., Professor Taimasov B. T.
- contract No. 339-12 from 13.05.2016 G. "the influence of phase transformations of clinker minerals at high doping on the basic properties of weak base rapid-hardening cement" - the supervisor Ph. D., Professor Khudyakova T. M.
On the department the student's scientific circle “Young silicate” operates. The scientific circle’s composition includes students of 1, 2, 3, 4 academic years of a speciality 5В075300 – “Chemical technology of infusible nonmetallic and silicate materials”. Activity of the student's scientific circle is carried out according to the plan confirmed in the beginning of academic year. At present a head of the scientific study group is AbdullinAidana, a student of the group ХТ-13-7kа.
The student research work, performed in the scientific circle, is an initial stage of research work. A purpose of the given study group is the assistance to consolidation, extension and generalization of the knowledge received during the training and application of this knowledge for solving concrete technical, scientific, economic and industrial problems in the field of chemical technology of inorganic substances. The students of the scientific circle “Young silicate” carry out researches in laboratories under the guidance of academic staff of the chair.
Research results are annually discussed on student's scientific conferences of higher schools and the university. In accordance with the results of the conferences the best scientific works participate in Republican competitions of student research works.
From 05 to 07 June 2017 year at the Department "Technology of cement, glass and ceramics" held a workshop "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" in the framework of the 20-th student's scientific conference on natural, technical, socio-humanitarian science: "NEW development of KAZAKHSTAN – the goal of the YOUTH of the COUNTRY of the GREAT STEPPE". All planned work was reported to the research reports In the process of schoolchildren and students of the section and visitors, the scientific and analytical reviews. The reports were submitted in the Kazakh, Russian and English. Students engage in heated discussions in the process of debating a response on the issue of research. At the end of the section "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" in the framework of the 20-th student's scientific conference on natural, technical, socio-humanitarian Sciences places were awarded to the following reports:
1st place:
• Study the possibility of obtaining ceramic materials based on local raw materials, art.
Minibar. student 11 "B" class of school № 87.
Autoreiv M. Scientific Director.G. – PhD, associate Professor.
2rd place:
• The possibility of using concrete products in construction.
Tlenchieva A. – student of group CHT – 16 – 7K
Scientific Director Autoreiv M. J. – Ph. D., associate Professor.
• Magnesia cement is a great alternative to Portland cement.
Trinl N. – student of group CHT-14 – 7ka., Suyarkulova. – student of group CHT – 16 – 7R.
Scientific Director Khudyakova T. M. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.
3rd place:
Glazes for ceramics.
Fakhritdinova D. – student of group CHT – 15 – 7P
Scientific Director Esimov B. O. – D. g – mathematical Sciences, Professor.
• Natural and artificial pigments in the silicate industry
Suzdaleva M.. – student of group CHT – 15 – 7 R
Supervisor - Esimov B. O. – D. g – mathematical Sciences, Professor.
• Prospects for production of ceramic hygienic plumbing equipment in Kazakhstan. ( English).
Tulegenova Z. - student of group CHT – 15 – 7ka.
Scientific Director Autolove J. M. – master of engineering and technology, senior lecturer.
A number of students presented interesting and informative presentations were appreciated in the form of letters of appreciation for active participation in the conference:
• Artistic ceramics from coloured clays..
Casanova, R., Kulbakova S. - students of the group HT-15-7R.
Scientific Director Dubinina E. S. – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor.
• Production of sheet glass - a priority activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Useynova F. - student of group CHT-15-7R.
Scientific Director Autolove J. M. – master of engineering and technology, senior lecturer.
• Status and prospects of production of glass in Kazakhstan. Shaimerdenova P. - student of group CHT-15-7K.
Scientific Director Autolove J. M. – master of engineering and technology, senior lecturer.
• Unique glass products.
Tagirjanov W. - student of group CHT – 16 – 7R.
Scientific Director Sadyrbaeva T. A. – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor.
• The glass and mosaic glass.
Dulatov L. - student of group CHT – 16 – 7R.
Scientific Director Dubinina E. S. – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor.
• Features of the production of household goods from farforistov D. - student of group CHT-16-7R.
Scientific Director Sadyrbaeva T. A. – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor
According to the results of the conference at its closing, students were presented with diploma and thank-you letters and made a memorable photo of conference participants with their research supervisors.
The section "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" at the 21st regional conference of young scientists in engineering Sciences:
From 21 to 24 November in SKSU has passed the 21-th regional conference of young scientists in engineering Sciences: "the ROLE of YOUTH IN the DEVELOPMENT of SCIENCE AND EDUCATION" devoted to anniversaries of prominent scientists - the 75-th anniversary of M. K. Nauryzbaev, N.. Vysotskaya, the 70-th anniversary of K. T. Zhantasova, S. A. Nevesbu and 60-th anniversary of K. S. Nadirov.
The conference was made up of 7 sections, in particular section "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" was held at the Department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" chaired by a person responsible for the research and NIRS Ph. D., associate Professor Kolesnikov A. S., 4th year students of the group HT-15-7P Suzdaleva M. and Secretary of the section students of the group HT-16-7K tlenchieva the panel began with speeches of head of the Department "Tcis" Ph. D., associate Professor Ituraea M. J. and D. g-mathematical Sciences, Professor B. O. Yessimov which admonished students and undergraduates to research in the field of chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials.
In the process section have been heard all the scheduled reports of students, undergraduates and students on their research in the field of cement, ceramics and glass.
Section featured presentations by representatives of students of Innovation and technology College and pupils of the school №6 im. Zh. Balasaguni
At the end of the section "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" following reports of students, undergraduates and students have been awarded places:
1st place:
Selection and research of raw materials for the production of colored ceramics.
Minibar B. – student of gr. ChT-17-7K.
Scientific Director Dubinina E. S. – PhD, associate Professor.
2nd place:
The study of carbonate-bearing rocks, deposits of "Ayusay" as a component of raw mix for obtaining cement clinker.
Sulphur, Z. – student of group ChT – 14 – 7ka
Scientific Director Kolesnikov A. S. – candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor.
The influence of active additives on the properties of electrical porcelain.
Calmet J. – student of group ChT – 14 – 7ka.,
Scientific Director Esimov B. O. - D. g-mathematical Sciences, Professor.
3rd place:
Study of the impact of waste production and of the plant in Sastobe Shymkent term gidratatsiya cement Stas and calcium sulphate to the process.
Abеn M, Il'yasova, J. – the students of the group ChT – 14– 7K
Scientific Director Taimasov B. T. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.
Identifying the possibility of using magnesian rocks (Dolomites) in southern Kazakhstan for the production of vegasusa materials
Isabaeva Camilla – student of 11A class of school №6 im. Zh. Balasaguni
Tursunali Nazerke – student of group ChT – 14 – 7ka
Supervisor - Khudyakova T. M. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.
Influence of polycarboxylates on the fluidity of cement pastes of JSC "Shymkentcement".
Erkimbek J., Tairov sh - student groups ChP-511р Innovative technology College.
Scientific Director Taimasov B. T. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor
A number of students made interesting reports were thanked for the pursuit of science:
Negland waste Chrysotile asbestos in asbestos products when replacement of the physico-mechanical changes.
Abilkhanov Enlik - student of group ChT-16-7K.
Scientific Director Estauova A. A., master, senior lecturer
Study ways to use in the production of ceramic bricks and cement terrikonnaya Lenger.
Sabet, J. - student of group ChT-14-7K.
Scientific Director Taimasov B. T. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor
Solutions to environmental and economic problems of cement production.
Mynbaeva E, Vasechko N. - student of group ChT-17-3A.,
Scientific Director Khudyakova T. M. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor.
Study of the effect on adhesion strength of plaster and cement Acculy time.
Zhakypova Zh, Oryntay C. - student of ChP-511р Innovative technology College.
Supervisors managers Estauova A. A. master, senior lecturer Dzhumabaeva G. M. – senior teacher.
According to the results of the conference at its closing, students were awarded diplomas and blagodarstvennoe letter and made a memorable photo of conference participants with their research supervisors.
International Scientific and Practical Conference "Coaching in Education: From Reform to Evolution"
5 February 2018 on the basis of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University hosted the international scientific and practical conference "Coaching in Education: From Reform to Evolution", in which the lecturers of the Department of "Technologies of Cement, Ceramics and Glass" of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology took part: Ph.D., Associate Professor Kolesnikov A.S, doctor PhD, senior lecturer Zhakipbayev B.Ye., master degree, teacher Tagibaev A.B., master degree, teacher Kulmakhanova A.Sh., master degree, teacher Kalybaeva M.I., doctoral PhD Zhanikulov N.N. The participants received certificates at the end of the conference.