Merits and achievements

Diana Tölmuratova, a student of the group XT-21-9k1 at the Department of "Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering" of the "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology" faculty, actively participated and was awarded in the "Independence Generation" project competition, organized by the Department of Internal Policy and Youth Affairs of Shymkent city to promote state support. Supervisors: Süygenbaeva A.Z., Isa A.B.
The Chairperson of the Student Parliament at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, an active 3rd-year student of the School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Department of "Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering," group HT-22-9k3, Sagyntai Sabina Kairatkyzy, was awarded a certificate of appreciation by the Chairman of the Coordination Council of Shymkent City, G. Mukhanov, for her participation in an anti-drug campaign event and her active efforts in promoting a healthy lifestyle among youth and raising awareness about the dangers of drug use.
Achievements of the faculty of the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering in 2024
Professor of the department, candidate of technical sciences Kabylbekova Balzhan Nurmanovna was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for conscientious work and conscientious activity on the path to prosperity, which made a significant contribution to the development of the scientific field.
Senior Lecturer of the Department Isa Aziza Bakytjanovna received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree by the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialty: 6D072100 - "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances", dissertation topic: "Development of a technology for obtaining composite surface-active acrylate polymers to increase oil extraction from the layers of the Earth."
Associate Professor of the Department Aikozova Laura Dauletbekovna was awarded the title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) by the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the scientific direction 20400 - Chemical Engineering No. 1022 dated 08.11.2024.


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