International cooperation and domestic partners

At the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current State of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Problems and Prospects”, held on October 17, 2024 at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute at Tashkent, st. Aibek, 45, candidates of chemical sciences Serikbaeva Aizhan Mukhamedalievna and Baimuratova Zhaina Abilkhasimovna were invited.

On September 19, 2024, a delegation from the MNTC, consisting of D. Ishikawa, Senior Project Coordinator (Japan), and A. Turekulova, MNTC representative (Astana), visited South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov for technical monitoring.

A round table was held in Room 250 of the main building (Minty Hall) with the participation of the university's leadership. Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation U.S. Suleymenov introduced the guests to the university's scientific developments and projects. E.Zh. Makhashev, Head of the Department of Strategic Planning, presented the university's future plans. M.Zh. Aitureev, Dean of the Faculty, shared information about the history and structure of the faculty.

The presentation of the project GE-2506 was given by the project leader, D.Sc. Professor N.O. Dzhalkipbekova. After the presentation, project participants, Associate Professors S. Sakibayeva, Zh.A. Shingisbaeva, Ph.D. A.B. Isa, and Researcher A. Amerkhanova answered the guests' questions about the presentation and the project.

As part of the visit, the MNTC guests toured the reading room and libraries of the main building, the IRLIP laboratory, and the laboratories of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering.

The GE-2506 project is an international project involving three countries: Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Armenia. The project is planned for three years, from 2022 to 2025.

During the month dedicated to Science Day in Kazakhstan, leading scientists from South Kazakhstan University named after Auezov (SKU) participated in the International Conference on Current Issues of the Development of Natural Sciences. They joined scientists from the United Kingdom, Turkey, Russia, Belarus, and Uzbekistan (the host country). The conference took place at the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.
February 7, 2024
342 Auditorium main building
An international round table was held with the participation of scientists from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Croatia, and Uzbekistan on the concept of sustainable development of science and technology in modern conditions
The speakers at the round table were
1 Marko Vinkovic,Professor,University of Zagreb (Croatia)
2.Nato Mirdzveli Ph.D. Associate Professor, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Tbilisi State University.Javakhishvili (Georgia)
3Li V.V.,lecturer ,Tashkhti(Uzbekistan)
4-6 professors Dzhakip
bekova N.O.,Taimasov B.T.,Mutalieva B.YUKU named after M.Auezov (Kazakhstan)
The round table was attended by Dean Aitureev M.Zh, Head of the department.Chemistry and F. And Ermakov S.R. and others
Rector of Mahatma Gandhi University, Professor of the Higher School of Environmental Sciences S. T. Aravidankumar got acquainted with the educational base of the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering.
Within the framework of bilateral agreements on the international academic mobility program, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent), Head of the Department “Industrial Technology of Medicines” Dr. F. N.Maksudova Firuza Khurshidovna PhD of the department, Associate Professor Sharipova S. T., Ph.D., Associate Professor Azimova N. A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Rakhimova O. R., Ph.D., Associate Professor Rakhimova G. R. and Ph.D. of the Department of Chemistry, Associate Professor Tukhtaev H., Ph.D., Associate Professor Mukhammadieva D. On December 6-7, lectures were held at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering for 4th year students studying in 6B05320 - Chemistry and 6B07270 – OP "Technology of pharmaceutical industries".

November 16, 2022.Within the framework of international cooperation, colleagues from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry Pulatova Feruza Azatbekovna and Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology Yusupova Nasiba Fattakhovna visited our Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering.Teachers from Tashkent invited our students to participate in the Organic chemistry Olympiad.

December 6, 2022. Meeting of teachers of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering with Professor Halder Gomez - Polytechnic Institute of Braganza Portugal.An agreement was reached on mutual cooperation and scientific research in the field of chemical engineering.

Online meeting with a professor of the Agricultural University (Uppsala.Sweden) Gulaim Kessler.Discussions of the dissertation work of the doctoral student Seitmanbetova Aiman.

February 10, 2023.Videoconference with colleagues from Georgia (Nato Worldveli employees) on a joint project.Professor of the department Dzhakipbeekova N.O., senior lecturer Isa A.B. and graduate student Abdumalikova D. participate.


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