Dual education

     The main goal of dual training is to prepare a qualified and competent graduate who has formed basic skills of work in production, to develop a Kazakh model of dual education in the system of technical and specialized education.
Simply put, to prepare such a specialist who could get involved in the work from the very first days and would perform it at a high professional level. In addition, dual education involves the formation of an order from employers for specialists with certain skills and knowledge.
The main advantages of dual training include: firstly, a high percentage of graduates' employment is provided, since they fully meet the requirements of the employer. Training is as close as possible to the requirements of production. It is noteworthy that the smallest enterprise can be a participant in dual training. Secondly, a high motivation for obtaining knowledge is achieved, the psychology of the future employee is formed.
Dual training at the Department of  Metallurgy 
The implementation of a joint dual type of education between the university and an enterprise for training personnel in the bachelor's degree 6B07220 - "Metallurgy" provides parallel training with the conduct of a worker's activity in a specific specialty, provides targeted training of a competitive specialist with his further employment; strengthens the interaction of public private partnership; ensures the financial independence of the student at the expense of his own labor activity.
     In 2014-2015 academic year, the Department of Metallurgy began experimentally training in dual form based on the decision of the Academic Council of the M.Auezov SKSU. Two academic groups HT-13-2dk1 and HT-13-2dk2 with a total number of 20 people (two subgroups of 10 people) were formed. The formation of groups of students was carried out from among the 2nd year students who submitted the relevant applications. Curricula for training in dual form have been developed and approved in due course, an agreement has been signed with the enterprise on the basis of which students were trained - FerrumVtor LLP.
       Ferrum-Vtor LLP is one of the largest enterprises in Shymkent, producing up to 300 tons per day of rolled steel (fittings, corner, channel, wire rod, etc.). The plant has been operating since 2006, continuously expanding, growing.
In the 2016-2017 academic year, training in the dual form was continued in FerrumVtor LLP. Formed 1 academic group of 3rd year students gr.HT-15-2dk with a total of 8 people.
In the 2018-2019 academic year, another HT-16-2dk group with a total of 8 people was formed on the basis of 3rd year students.
      For the 2019-2020 academic year, a new contract was drawn up with the Shymkent Temir LLP plant with the aim of continuing experimental training in a dual form.
Shymkent Temir LLP is a large manufacturing enterprise in Shymkent. The industry produces 250,000 tons of steel per year. The industry has been constantly improving and developing, working since 2018.
Another HT-18-2dk group was formed with a total of 11 people.
     The main advantages of the dual training system in comparison with the traditional one:
- the dual training system eliminates the main drawback of traditional forms and methods of training - the gap between theory and practice;
- the mechanism of the dual training system has an impact on the personality of a specialist, the creation of a new psychology of the future employee;
- the dual system of training of employees creates a high motivation for obtaining knowledge and acquiring skills in work, since the quality of their knowledge is directly related to the performance of official duties in the workplace;
- the interest of the heads of enterprises in training "their" employee;
- the educational institution, working in close contact with the enterprise, takes into account the production requirements imposed on the future specialist already during training.
    Organization of labor
     Initially, the salary of students was 36 thousand tenge / month. After receiving admission to independent work, it was possible to switch to piecework, so students earned 50-60 thousand tenge per month. It all depends on how much work they could do. The students mastered working professions and were admitted to technological processes as a metal scrap sorter, an induction furnace smelter, a rolling mill roller, a methodical furnace operator, a steel filler on continuous steel casting machines, a rolling mill operator, a liner.
      Schedule of the educational process
Training is conducted from the 3rd year on a two-semester principle. The duration of the semester is 15 weeks. Students study 3 days a week at the university (master a theoretical course), work for 2 days at the enterprise in positions in accordance with the staffing table (acquire specific production skills), i.e. 60% of the study time students spend at the university, 40% - at the enterprise.
Conditions of the educational process in the workplace
* A room with an interactive whiteboard for classes.
* Access to the technological process of metal production in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice.
* Hot meals in the factory canteen.
* Individual employment contracts have been concluded
The introduction of a dual education system at the department 5B070900 - Metallurgy is also being implemented in the 2020-2021 academic year. Dual training is valid for the 7th year.
  1. Regulatory and documentary provision of dual education
  Regulations on the dual system of education at the M.Auyezov SKU
 Agreement on the implementation of a dual type of education at the M.Auezov SKU in the direction of bachelor's degree 6B07220-Metallurgy with basic enterprises
 Curriculum for the specialty 6B07220-Metallurgy, full-time (dual) form of study
 Individual employment contracts have been concluded.
       Thus, the effect of the implementation of the project is obvious. We are talking about completely new methods in the field of higher professional education. We have shown that the dual model of professional technical training is relevant and viable and can serve as a basis for the integrated industrial and innovative development of the region.


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