By administration SKR Museum of the victims and political repressions devoted to the “550 anniversary of the Kazakh khan” and “Hunger of 1931-1933 y.y.” were shown movies and the interactive lectures were red

By administration SKR Museum of the victims and political repressions 04.02.2016 in audience of the case 127A devoted to the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh khan and “Hunger of 1931-1933 y.y.”  were shown movies and the interactive lectures were red

Purpose action: formations of feeling of patriotism at the younger generation and respect for history of the country.

Action opened in presentation on «Қазақстандағы ашаршылық»  the Southern Kazakhstan regional museum of the victims of political repressions of the research associate Beysova Dariga  Zharkinbayevna.

The Kazakh khan in the history seldom faced with "Famine-Genocide". Only at the time of attack of enemies as “ақтабан шұбырынды...”  more than 2 million 200 thousand people died of hunger. Generally children and wives were lost, therefore the demographic damage was very heavy.

And it stopped increase the population of Kazakhs. In the history it remained as “қызыл қырғын”, “голощекиндік геноцид”.  The Kazakh nomads rose by revolt more than once, but Goloschekin suppressed them with extreme cruelty.

Hundreds of thousands Kazakhs tried to disappear in next China, but by order of Goloschekin the border was blocked and were shot all running on the adjacent territory. The disaster of 1932 is considered the most serious crime of 20 centuries. In Kazakhstan on May 31 it was declared in the Afternoon of memory of the victims of political repressions. On action professors - teaching structure and students of the higher school "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology" are participated.


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