Internship at the Technical University of Munich under the SPIID-2

In the period from 03.02.2016 on 12.02.2016 delegation of 12 teachers M.Auezov SKSU headed by the dean of the Higher School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology" Bolysbek A.A., Chief CAUD Baizhanova S.B., senior specialist of the Bologna Process and the international rating of A. Kovaleva, Head of the Department CTIS Aitureyev M.Zh., as well as responsible for SPIID Seitmagzimova G.M. and young scientists Altybayev Zh.M., Kadyrbayeva A., Kambarova G., Nazarbek U. and Professor Taymasov B.T. with young scientists Zhakipbayev B.Ye., Bazhirova K.N. with the Department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" were trained at the Technical University of Munich (TUM, Munich, Germany) in collaboration of two of the educational program "Production of silicate materials" the Department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" and "Synthesis of multicomponent mineral fertilizer Department Chemical technology of inorganic substances" M.Auezov SKSU between departments "Construction Chemistry" and "Chemical Engineering» Technical University of Munich.

During the period of internship under the direction Prof. Dr. Johann Plank, Prof. Dr. – Ing. Kai-Olaf Hinrichsen, Prof. Dr. Fritz E. Kuhn listened to lectures, presentations, familiarized with the material and technical base and scientific laboratories, research and dissertations of masters and doctoral PhD, discussed the modular educational programs, attended by Clariant chemical plant, a cement plant Rohrdorfer, Wacker Polymers Additives Plant.

According to the results the internship certificates to all the participants and received positive expert opinion from professor J.Plank on OP "Production of silicate materials" were issued.


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