History of the chair
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To history of department of "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass"
The department "Technologies of cement, ceramics and glass" as a structural division of the SKSU named after M. Auezov from the day of formation to this day is the only one in the Republic of Kazakhstan, carrying out training of specialists for enterprises of silicate and construction industry.
The history of the establishment and development of the department begins with the organization of the former Institute of Construction Materials, which was created on the basis of Resolution № 679 of the Council of People 's Commissars of the USSR of June 19, 1943. The only faculty of the Institute at that time - the Faculty "Technology of Silicates" in 1948 produced 23 first engineers-technologist of the silicate industry. The institute was reorganized and developed, new faculties were opened, but always by right the first among technical remained the faculty "Technology of silicates."
The founders of present department it was been 3 specialized departments, playing and heavy post-war decades decision role in training of personnels for industry of silicate materials : "Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories", "Chemical technology of astringent materials", "Chemical technology of glass and glass ceramics".
Department "Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories" is founded in 1946. During 24 the associate professor of Slivko V.М. managed a department. In becoming and development of department a large deposit brought in graduating students of this department of prof . Balakirev А.А., having diploma №1 with a difference. At different times the associate professors of Mirkin М.I. managed a department., Rukhlin N.R. and Groshev I.А.
Department "Chemical technology of astringent materials" is organized in 1949. At different times a department was headed associate professor Sytin М.P., professor Luginina I.G., Karibaev К.К., Terekhovich S.V., associate professor Ramankulov М.R. and professor Taimasov B.Т.
Department "Chemical technology of glass and glass ceramics" is organized in 1955. To the first managers a department was associate professor Vydric G.А. Then during 20 she was headed by the graduating student of this department, academician Suleimenov S.Т., and from 1967 - professor Abduvaliev Т.А.
Important bases of organization of educational process, research and teaching and guiding works were stopped up in the years of functioning of these departments. Creation of Kazakhstan scientific schools of professor became one of considerable achievements in their activity. А.А.Balakirev on building ceramics, professor I.G. Luginina on high temperature processes, professor К.К.Karibaev on surface active substances and academician S.Т. Suleimenov on technologies of glass ceramics .
From the day of founding, i.e. with 1943 for cement, asbestos-cement, brick, glass and other plants a department is prepare more than 6 thousand specialists, much of that became main and leading specialists, leaders and organizers of productions, visible scientists, ministers, mayor of areas, statesmen, deputies of Majilis, chancellors and directors SRI.
Trade education on our department was got by well-known scientists, ministers and their deputies, statesmen, chancellors of Institutions of higher learning and director SRI: S.Т.Suleimenov, B.P.Parimbetov, U.А.Аyapov, B.I.Nudelman, I.S.Bessmertnyi, V.S.Li, К.Kh.Bekishev, N.F.Ananenko, G.S.Davydov, А.P.Malyshev, Z.К.Тurisbekov, А.К.Tshanov, К.К.Кaribaev, S.S.Seitzhanov, P.B.Кynatov, Zh.Т.Suleimenov, I.S.Аkhmetov, Т.U.Iskakov, Z.P.Pulatov, А.P.Khlebov, А.S.Кurtaev, V.D.Skakun, А.Sh.Userbaev, N.Т.Мusabaaev, К.А.Nurbaturov, Е.I. Кystaubaev etc. and also numerous directors of plants, presidents of propulsion module and companies.
A merit is great in becoming in our country of industry of building materials of graduating students of our department of directors and main specialists : Zh.А.Аldiyarova, S.К.Кozhamuratova, Z.S.Аmirkhanova, B.I.Аkhmetova, V.М.Barbinova, Е.А.Bukeeva, А.N. Van, А.F.Galinskogo, С.V.Gulina, Zh.Е.Еndybaeva, К.К.Zhapabaeva, А.I.Zubtitckogo, К.К.Кulakeeva, S.Zh.Zhunisova, B.А.Кurnikova, Т.S. Sopieva, V.М.Stepanova, S.G.Таmbetova, U.G.Redko, I.Т.Тurgunbaeva, R.S.Fedechko, S.К.Кusainova, Д.Sh.Shalabaeva, N.А.Аbetaeva, N.А.Ryabchenko, G.А.Shapareva, А.О.Ryskulova of and other.
Among the graduating students of department more than 30 doctors of sciences, 120 candidates of sciences and more than 10 honoured workers of industry of industry, author of the scientific opening №210 B.I. Nudelman, Hero of socialistic labour А.D. Tumanov of and other.
A department is legally proud of the graduating students bringing in a ponderable contribution to development of home science in area of technology of silicates are doctors of engineering sciences, professor : Т.А.Аbduvaliev, А.А.Баlakirov, V.F.Verner, B.Zh.Zhanabaeva, V.М.Garifulin, Z.А.Еstemesov, S.Zh.Saibulatov, М.Кulbekov, А.А.Мirzakhodzhaev, О.А.Мiruk, U.К.Маkhambetova, М.Т.Zhuginisov, S.Kh.Тulyaev, V.D.Barbanyagre, V.К.Кlassen, V.Gorokhovski, S.V.Тerekhovich, P.P.Rumyancev, Kh.S.Vorobev, Т.М.Khudyakova, B.Т.Таimasov of and other.
In different years on a department worked fruitfully М.I. Мirkin, А.V.Vorobev, Zh.К.Каnibekov, I.А.Groshev, Т.Zh.Nurbekov, V.S.Zubakov, М.S.Naumagambetov, М.К.Imashev, К.Т.Таzhibaev, М.А.Shaposhnikov, N.S.Bazhirov, М.К.Bitemirov, R.Кuralov, V.D.Мanzhiev, R.I.Imangulov; М.Sh.Shaharafiev, G.V.Оrlova, А.А.Аbduraimov, L.G.Tropina А.B.Zykova, Т.I.Novik, L.N.Lukina, V.F.Мiller, N.V.Bachilova, N.Sh.Khashimov, Т.B. Nogaev of and other.
In 1995 on the base of foregoing three departments the department of "Technology of silicates and synthesis of minerals" was again organized, now "Technologies of cement, ceramics and glass". became the first manager of the formed department B.О. Yessimov - d.g.-m.s., professor, laureate of the State bonus Republics of Kazakhstan in area of science, technique and education, after a department was managed academician of NAS RK, prof. Zh.Т.Suleimenov, associate professor М.Zh.Аitureev.
A department presently functions in composition Higher school" of the Chemical engineering and biotechnology". Three levels of education will be realized - bachalor, master program, doctoral study.
In 2008 educational program of bachelor study "Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials" first well went international accreditation and agency of ASSIN (Dusseldorf, Germany). On results international examination (ASIIN.Dusseldorf, Germany) a certificate allowing to appropriate to the graduating students of lable Chemistry Eurobachelor is got, with 2014 the action of certificate is prolonged 2020 to, and at the end of 2019 a department went next reaccreditation well.
In 2014 a license to is got educational activity on preparation of master's degrees of speciality 6М075300-"Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials". In 2017 on results international examination of the educational program of city council "Modern building materials" of speciality 6М075300-"Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials" a certificate allowing to appropriate to the graduating students of lable Chemical Technology Euromaster is got in European Chemical Thematic Network (ECTN).
In 2017г. a department got a license to educational activity on doctoaral study on speciality 6d075300 is "Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials".
In 2019 at the plant on the production of ceramic granite ТОО "Zerde Ceramics" the branch of our department is first open.
The specialized laboratories function on a department, equipped by a modern equipment and devices. Works are executed on updating of material and technical base. For strengthening of practical and research skills student the row of lessons is conducted on a base SSPC and research laboratories. The "Complex laboratory of modern methods of tests of silicate materials" is organized for preparation of master's degrees of speciality 6M075300 is "Chemical technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials" within the framework SP IID RK on 2015-2019. In 2018г. the laboratory of "Ceramic and concrete" passed accreditation in the system of accreditation of Republic of Kazakhstan as a proof-of-concept laboratory (PL) on accordance to the requirements State Standard (ISO/IEC) 17025-2009 and a certificate is got.
Traditionally, bachelors are trained on grants from enterprises: «Shymkent» JSC, «Semey Cement Plant» LLP, «Kant Cement Plant» (Kyrgyzstan), «South Kyrgyz Cement» CJSC, etc.
Fruitful creative relations are maintained with «Shymkent» JSC, «Standard Cement» LLP
(Shymkent), «Zhambyl Cement» LLP, «SAS-Tobe Technologies» LLP, «Semey Cement Plant» LLP,
«Kazakhcement» LLP (Semey), «Central Asia Cement» OJSC (Karaganda), «Knauf Gips Kapchagay» LLP, «Tectum Engineering» LLP (Shymkent), Semipalatinsk Plant ATSI LLP, Semmix LLP (Semey city), Naftaenergo LLP (Uralsk), Kapchagayfarfor JSC, Zerde Keramika LLP (Shymkent), Almaty Ceramics Plant LLP, Kazogneupor LLP (Rudny city), Sairam Brick Factory LLP, Kurylys materialdary LLP (Shymkent), Briteks line LLP (Shymkent), RAUAN LLP (Shymkent), Batsu LLP (Turkestan Oblast), Euro LLP Crystal ”(Shymkent), Branch“Uzhnyi-1,2 ” "Glass company« SAF »(Almaty), a branch of" Uzhnyi-3 "OJSC" Glass company «SAF» (Taraz), LLP "Caspian Cement", LLP "Company Gezhuba Shieli Cement" and others.
The scientific relations of the department of universities of far and near abroad, universities and research institutes of Kazakhstan are wide: Bauhaus-Universtät Weimar (Germany), Technische Universitat Munchen (Germany), Technische Universitat Chemnitz (Germany), University of chemistry and technology (Prague, Department of International Relations) , Institute of Chemical Technology (Prague, Czech Republic), Technical University of Brno (Czech Republic, Brno), University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania, Vilnius), Cracow Technical University (Poland, .Krakov), Russian University of Chemical Technology D.I. Mendeleev (Russia), National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia, Tomsk); Belgorod State Technological University. V.G.Shukhova (Russia), Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, KazNTU, Laboratory of Silicate Chemistry, IONH, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, TselSIM (Almaty), etc.
Currently, the training of bachelors, masters and PhD doctors in Kazakh, Russian and English is conducted by highly qualified teachers: 3 doctors of sciences, professors; 4 candidates of science, 6 masters of engineering and technology. Among the faculty of the department are laureates of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education and laureates of the prize of the international competition "ISESKO Prize in Science & Technology 2012", holders of the grant "The best teacher of the university", holders of the badges "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "And" For Merits in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ". Professors Khudyakova T.M. and Esimov B.O. included in the general rating of faculty of universities of Kazakhstan (TOR-50) of the National Rating of 2018, conducted by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Ratings (IAAR). It is widely practiced to attract scientists from near and far abroad and leading specialists from industry enterprises to give lectures and conduct scientific consultations. Students also take an active part in the scientific developments of the department, they are co-authors of publications, inventions, participants in tests and implementations of research results. The implementation of theses, master's projects and work on orders of industrial enterprises is practiced. The results of NIRS, NIRM annual are noted at the Republican level. Deep knowledge and a wide profile of the specialty enable our graduates to work successfully in the field of science, education and industry. Graduates of the department work at leading enterprises in the industry. Undergraduate and graduate diplomas are recognized in Europe. Employers' feedback on graduates confirms the high quality of specialists, evidence of the constant career growth of our graduates.
Among the departments of the University in the technical field, the Department of Cement, Ceramics and Glass Technologies, according to the results of educational, methodological, scientific and educational work, has been repeatedly recognized as the winner in the nomination “The Best Department of SKSU named after M. Auezov”.