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Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemical Technology, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Tukybaeva A.S. at 17.11.2021 15-05 h. conduct open classes on the ZOOM platform (ID number: 5942863206 Password 950680) in the discipline "Selected chapters of general and inorganic chemistry " on the topic "Coordination compounds of alkaline and alkaline earth brooms. Compounds with redox-active ligands. Magnesium compounds”.
Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemical Technology, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Asilbekova D.D. at 12.10.2021 11-50h. conduct open classes on the ZOOM platform (ID number: 5942863206 Password 950680) in the discipline "Biochemistry" on the topic "Vitamins. Fat- and water-soluble vitamins”.
22nd Regional Scientific Conference of Young Scientists on Technical Sciences
on the topic "The role of youth in the development of science and education"
(November 21-23, 2018) dedicated to the 75th anniversary of M. Auezov SKSU
and the anniversary of prominent scientists of the Higher School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology".
We invite you to take part in the 22nd regional scientific conference
Date and time of the event: November 21, 2018 from 1100 to 1600 hours
November 22, 2018 from 1000 to 1300 hours
Venue: Department of Chemical Technology and Fundamentals of Chemical Technology, Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, audience 407A
behalf of M.AUEZOV
Graduate School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology"
The department "Chemistry and fundamentals of chemical technology"
II Regional Olympiad named after DI Mendeleev
in chemistry among students in grades 9-11
February 04-20, 2019
Mendeleev 185 years
We invite all students of grades 9-11 of secondary schools of the Turkestan region
Date and time of the event: from 04 to 15 February 2019 from 1000 to 1300 hours
(theoretical I-round)
February 20, 2019 from 1000 to 1300 hours
(experimental II –tour)
February 20, 2019 at 1600 hours
(closing the Olympiad and awarding the winners)
Venue: schools, districts, cities of Turkestan region
(theoretical I-round)
Department of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemical Technology, High School
"Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology", 305A, 307A, 403A, 404A,
405A, 407A, 408A, 412A audience
(Experimental II – Tour)
assembly hall, the main building SKSU them. M. Auezov
(closing the Olympiad and awarding the winners)
behalf of M.AUEZOV
Graduate School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology"
The department "Chemistry and fundamentals of chemical technology"
XIII city Olympiad named after DI Mendeleev
in chemistry among students in grades 9-11
February 20-22, 2019
Mendeleev 185 years
We invite students of 9-11 grades of all comprehensive schools of the city of Shymkent
Date and time of the event: February 20, 2019 at 900 o'clock
(opening of the Olympiad)
February 20, 2019 from 1000 to 1300 hours
(theoretical I-round)
February 21, 2019 from 1000 to 1300 hours
(experimental II –tour)
February 22, 2019 at 1500 hours
(closing the Olympiad and awarding the winners)
Venue: №15 Lyceum named after D.I.Mendeleev
(theoretical I-round)
Department of Chemistry and Fundamentals of Chemical Technology,
High School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology", 403A, 404A, 405A, 407A, 408A,
412A audience
(Experimental II – Tour)
assembly hall, the main building SKSU them. M. Auezov
(closing the Olympiad and awarding the winners)