International cooperation

        From 13 to 16 December 2021, teachers of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical institute, associate professor of the department of  biotechnology Yusupova N.F., a.d. professor of pharmacology and clinical pharmacy Faiziyeva Z.T. were invited to the department “Chemistry and FCT” with lectures and practical exercises. Guests from Uzbekistan held master classes for young teachers of the department, employees, master students and engineers.  From 13 to 16 December associate professor Yusupova  N.F. held lectures on specialized disciplines for students of  the specialty “Chemistry” (1st, 2nd course).   From 13 to 16 December, a.d. professor Faiziyeva Z.T. held lectures and practical classes for students of the specialty “Technology of pharmaceutical production” (1st, 2nd course).On December 14, a round table of teachers and staff of the department was held with the participation of colleagues from Uzbekistan. An exchange of views took place on the educational, scientific, educational activities of  departments and cooperation between universities. Head of the department professor         Nazarbekova S.P. thanked the guests for the useful visit and presented them gifts with the symbols of the university.

In cooperation with the Department of Chemistry and fundamentals of chemical technology, Professor Tim Kessler (Sweden) delivered lectures for undergraduates and bachelors.

Meeting of the rector of the University Kozhamzharova D. P. рrofessor Kessler Gulaim (Sweden)

Meeting Vice-rector on scientific work and innovations they. M. Auezov U. Suleymenova and Dean of the graduate school A. Anarbaev with Professor Kessler Gulyaim

Professor G. Kessler gives lectures to undergraduates and bachelors of the Department " Chemistry and fundamentals of chemical technology"

South Kazakhstan regional organization of trade unions of the Kazakhstan sector of education and science "Public Union of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workmen of Kazakhstan" August 02, According to the letter No. 01-09 / 404, from 07 to 10 December 2017, the I International Congress of Turkic Scientists of the World, held in Antalya, Turkey, took part Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dzhakipbekova N.O.

Scientists of the department together with foreign professors publish articles and publish training materials.


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