«Аbaidyn’ qara so’zderinin’ ma’ni»

«Аbaidyn’ qara so’zderinin’ ma’ni»

        On november 18, 2019 the Department of «Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances» has organized an open curator class at the level of the Higher School of «Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology»  on the program «Bolashaqqa bag’dar – ruhani zhan’g’yru»  on the 175th anniversary of the Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbaev (1845-1904) on the topic of «Аbaidyn’ qara so’zderinin’ ma’ni».

        The curator group class was conducted  by students of groups ChT-16-1k2  with the group curator, docent Sh.T. Koshkarbaeva and ChT-18-1k with the group curator, senior teacher K.A. Amanbaeva.

        Teaching staff of Higher School participated on the event. The open curator class has  begun with a report of a student of group  ChT-16-1k2 Akimova Kuralay and a video was shown about the life of Abay Kunanbaev. The aim of open curator class is formation of knowledge and imaginations of  students about  Abay  personality, his worldview, and convictions  based on «words of edification».


        The Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances organized a large open event hour on 22.11.2018, within the  framework of the idea of N. Nazarbayev "Mangilik El" «Bolashakka bagdar ruhani zhangyru». The event was organized by the curators of the 1st and 2nd course Taubayeva A.S, Amanbayeva K. and students of HT-17-1k, HT-17-1a and HT-18-1k, HT-18-1a groups. The event was attended by talented students, singing, dancing, poetry, and various games and demonstrated their skills.


On December 6-7, 2018 Assanova Zh.K. student of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances of the group ХТ-16-1р participated in a training seminar in Astana on theme «Bolashakka bagdar ruhani zhangyru». At the end of the seminar she received a certificate.


March 1, 2019 was held a competition "Mereylі Otbasy". From the department Chem. Tech. Inorg. Subs. to the competition participated Tleuov family (Tleuov A.S. and Tleuova S.T.).

  Groups HТ-18-1к, HТ-18-1а and curator Amanbaeva K. held an open curatorial hour in the dormitory No. 6 on the topic "Honorable mother" dedicated to the International Women's Day on 8 March.



February 20, 2019 in the assembly hall of the main building of the SKSU named after M. Auezov was held the event "Closing of the II Regional Mendeleev Olympiad" and "Open Doors Day", organized by the departments "Chemistry and fundamentals of chemical technology", "Chemical technology of inorganic substances", "Oil refining and petrochemistry". This event was attended by graduates of schools of the Turkestan region.

February 22, 2019 in the assembly hall of the main building of the SKSU named after M. Auezov the event "Closing of the XIII city Olympiad named after DI Mendeleev" and "Open door", organized by the departments "Chemistry and fundamentals of chemical technology", "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass ”,“ Metallurgy ” This event was held with the participation of graduates of schools in Shymkent.

November 16 held an event on the theme: «Rukhani Zhangyru» , «Bolashakka bagdar, Rukhani Zhangyru» in higher school«Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology»

On January 30 the discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev.Discussion on the topics: «Nashakorlykka zhol zhok», «Меndensaulykty tandaymin», «Din kogam negizi», «Sybailas zhemkorlykka karsi kures» in academic groups on curatorial hours.


November 21, 2017 in the assembly hall of the main building of SKSU M.Auezov took place the event "Open Doors Day", organized by the departments "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" and "Chemistry and the fundamentals of chemical technology". Graduates of schools and colleges took part in this event.


November 28, 2017 in the assembly hall of the main building of SKSU named after M.Auezov, the staff of the department "Chemistry and the basics of chemical technology" took part in the event "Open Day" organized by the Department of "Oil Products and Petrochemicals". This event was held with the participation of graduates of schools and colleges.



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