Research work, student research work

Scientific Research work of the department of «Еcology»

Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

     SDSN Kazakhstan On June 8, 2022 in the city of Nur-Sultan on the basis of AEO "Nazarbayev University" launched a Network of solutions in the field of sustainable development (SDSN) in Kazakhstan. The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) is a global network operating under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General since 2012. SDSN mobilizes a variety of stakeholders from academia, business, politics and civil society to offer innovative, sustainable solutions to emerging challenges, focusing on practical solutions to sustainable development, including the development and implementation of the 17 SDGs. At the event in honor of the launch of SDSN, the speakers were: Shigeo Katsu-President of Nazarbayev University, Chairman of SDSN Kazakhstan; Jeffrey Sachsa-President of SDSN, USA; Wing Taye Wu - Vice President of SDSN Asia and Head of the office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Ilesanmi Adesida-Provost of Nazarbayev University; Weng Tat Hui -Dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy of Nazarbayev University; Ruslan Sultanov-Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Economic Research, Kazakhstan and others. The Auezov SKU was presented at the event by the head of the Department of Ecology, Shingisbayeva Zh.A.

International project

 The Chairman of the Management Board -Rector of the UCU M. Auezova Daria Perneshovna Kozhamzharova signed the contract of the international project GE2506 "Bactericidal and zeolite filters for purification and disinfection of drinking water", whose participants are countries such as Georgia, Armenia and Kazakhstan, years of implementation -2022-2024. The grant is allocated by ISTC, funding is provided by Japan. The project manager is N.O. Dzhakipbekova, the project participants are associate professors and teachers of the departments "Ecology", "Chemistry", "Oil Refining and Petrochemistry". The agreement was also signed by the Rector of Tbilisi State University Georgy Sharvashidze, Rector of the Armenian National Agrarian University Vardan Urutyan. The collaborators of the project are such countries as the USA, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Greece, Bulgaria. We wish the project participants fruitful work!



 Congratulations! The Corporate Foundation "National Conservation Initiative" together with the Office of Sustainable Development of AEO "Nazarbayev University" is implementing the Sustainability Living Lab program sponsored by Chevron Munaygas Inc. and aimed at implementing research and innovative projects on sustainable development on campus through the involvement of students, professors and university staff (the project budget should not exceed 800 thousand tenge, including taxes and other payments to the budget). This year, the YUKU named after M. Auezova participated in this competition for the first time, 6 projects were submitted, two of them were won:

  1. "Green technology - Methods of obtaining electricity from living plants" is a project prepared by Alseit Aida, a student of the Department of Ecology of the HT-18-4k2 group, head of the doctoral student of the Department of Ecology Syzdykova Marzhan.
  2. "Eco-gazebo" is a project prepared by a student of the Department of Ecology of the HT-19-4a group Zholdas Yerasyl, head of Dzhakipbekova N. O.

Congratulations to the winners and wish them further creative success.

Professor of the Department of Ecology G. M. Iztleuov was awarded

Chairman of the Board Kozhamzharova D.P., presented a diploma to the professor of the Department of Ecology, G.M. Iztleuov of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan for managing the best scientific work of students (students, masters) in the republican competitions of scientific works in technical and humanitarian sciences

At the department "Ecology" work is being carried out on the state budget topic; B-11-04-07 "New environmentally friendly technologies and monitoring in transport and production". There are 1 doctor of sciences working at the department: MD, Isaev AU, 4 professors, 8 candidates of sciences. The research work of the department is carried out in accordance with the plan for 2015-2020. At the department of 3 research projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, works. For the last academic year, the department's PPP has published 108 scientific papers, including 6 articles in the journal with a high impact factor in the base of Thomson and Scopus, and also participated in more than 40 international and republican conferences. Research work at the Department of Ecology is carried out in accordance with the approved plans of the University. Five monographs and more than 200 scientific and methodical works have been published. Over the past 5 years, faculty members received 21 patents and certificates for inventions. The results of scientific research have been successfully introduced at the department. Acts of implementation in the educational process-15, in production-21. In the framework of the research work of the department, internships are conducted abroad. In the academic year the undergraduates of the department passed an internship at the St. Petersburg State University, the Tashkent Technological Institute and the Bishkek State Technical Institute.


Student research work of the department "Ecology"

The research work of the students of the department "Ecology" is conducted under the guidance of the faculty of the department in accordance with the plan of the NIRS. The scientific circle "Ecos" works at the department. In this circle, the results of more than 40 scientific works are annually discussed, the best reports are presented at conferences of faculties and universities and are awarded with diplomas. Students take an active part in scientific conferences in the near and far abroad. During the last academic year, more than 30 scientific papers were published in the form of articles. Student research is an important part of higher education and is an effective way to improve the quality of education. The research work of students should be aimed at developing the skills of scientific research and developing creative initiatives at the level of the researcher, the scientist (manager) in accordance with the requirements of modern training of specialists and the practical application of scientific and technological achievements. Participation in scientific research is an in-depth study professional discipline, expansion of their scientific, technical and social outlook, self-improvement of new ideas, adaptation to fast and effective .? Th flow of scientific information The main objective of the research work of the student is: - Creating skills for creative and professional thinking, the formation of scientific approaches to cognitive and research activities,
 - Providing a unified education (teaching and learning), science and practical processes
 Each student has the right to participate in creative personality competitions, scientific research and scientific creativity and the formation of full participation in the purposes and opportunities, legal, economic, organizational, etc., creating conditions for growth and development.
The main tasks of the SRWS are:
 - the formation of a system of scientific knowledge for students, the formation of a system of thinking, adaptation to skills and approaches (within the framework of unified educational and scientific processes);
 - to introduce students to the methods of scientific research, the practice of theory and decision-making,
- to form independent decision-making skills for scientific and practical tasks
 - work in a scientific team and organize work on
- student creativity, self-education, the need to continuously improve their knowledge, to teach scientific knowledge and creativity in deepening the material;
 - domestic and foreign literature on regular work and skills, ability to work with patent funds.


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