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Currently, the chair of "Cement, ceramics and glass technology" carries out preparation of bachelors in a direction 5В075300 – "Chemical technology of infusible, nonmetallic and silicate materials".
Since 2015 in accordance with the beginning of the second stage of the State program of industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan (SPIID-2) for 2015-2019 (approved by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.08.2014, No. 874) on the basis of SKSU M. Auezov was started training of highly qualified personnel for postgraduate education for the priority sectors of the southern region of Kazakhstan.
In this programme 2015-2016 academic year at the chair "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" is preparing a master profile to direction 6М075300 specialty – "Chemical technology of infusible, nonmetallic and silicate materials" educational programs "Construction materials" -60 masters (2015-2016 academic year) and "Modern building materials" -80 masters (2016-2017 year).
Learning undergraduates involved human resources chair from experienced professors and associate professors. For the training sessions also attracted foreign professors and scientists: Johann Planck – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, head of Department "Chemistry of construction materials" technical University of Munich (Munich, Germany), Klassen V. K. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of V.G. Shukhov BGTU (Belgorod, Russia).
The educational program "Production of building materials" and "Modern building materials" has successfully passed the examination and agreed with the leading domestic enterprises in the industry: LLP "Standardalert" and LLP "Evrokristall" (Shymkent).
On chair preparation of bachelors and masters in kazakh, russian and english are 25 teachers, including 5 doctors of Sciences, professors and 9 candidates of Sciences, associate professors, 1 PhD and 2 masters of Sciences, among whom the owners of the grant "Best teacher of the University": B. O. Yessimov – d. g-m. s, Professor, laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education; Taimasov B. T. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor; Khudyakova T. M. – doctor of technical Sciences, Professor; Jakypbekov N. O. – Ph. D., Professor, Kolesnikov A. S. – PhD, associate Professor, etc.
For the educational-scientific research in the chair has the necessary material and technical base. In the lecture classrooms have interactive teaching tools: video projector Multimedia Projector EB-S62, a projection screen with manual control Goldview, interactive whiteboard, a new generation of computers that are connected to the Internet etc.
There are educational laboratories: "Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories", "Chemical technology of binding materials", "Chemical technology of glass and glassceramics", "Crystallography and Mineralogy", educational-scientific-production center "Silicate" crushing grinding and furnace compartments, "Comprehensive laboratory and modern test methods of silicate materials", etc.
The laboratory is equipped with modern equipments: General electro-mechanic vibrator with directional vibrations IV – 101B to determine normal consistency of cement mortar samples; a spectrophotometer PE-5400УФ, to determine the chemical composition of raw materials; a computer device PSC, to determine the specific surface, medium particle size and permeability of dispersed materials; ultrasonic device UKS-MG4 for measuring the geometric dimensions (thickness, length) and inspection of construction materials and rocks; measuring conductivity ITP-MG4 "Probe" to measure conductivity and determine the warm resistance of construction materials; tester white P3-TBMS-M, for measuring the whiteness value of the zonal coefficient of diffuse reflection (BWW); mill vibrating CBM-3, CBM-04, for periodic grinding of the powdery or granular material in a laboratory or industrial setting, as well as for simulation of the grinding process in industrial mills; wardrobe wet storage SWH-360, for the creation and automatic maintenance of specified conditions during storage of samples - cross of cement in the forms; hydraulic press compact PGM-100МГ4А, to determine the strength in bending and compression concrete and cement samples; GHL high speed mixer - granulator covering to realise in a continuous mode spherical granules of an average size of from 2 to 20 mm of powdered materials when adding a liquid binder; eraser disk ID 200 for pulverizing brittle materials of different strength and hardness to fine condition; climate chamber Heat-Cold-Moisture CM-70/150-TX to determine the frost resistance of cement, cement samples, differential thermal analyzer DZ3320А, research method, consisting in heating or cooling of the sample at a certain speed and recording the time dependence of the temperature difference between the test sample and reference sample (standard); high temperature muffle furnace for heat treatment of products in air to 16500С; compulsory mixer, laboratory for cement-concrete mixtures LS-CB-10, for the preparation of cement-concrete mixtures in the quantities necessary for the manufacture of laboratory specimens; universal steaming COOP-1, for heat treatment of concrete with upgraded control panel with the definitions of compressive strength, laboratory press model "TP-1" to pressovaniya granulated powder into tablets; pug-mill (extruder) G49E, for the extrusion of a uniform and compacted ceramic mass; machine Model CROWN cutting CUT OFF SAW CT 15090, for cutting brick, granite, marble, concrete – sample preparation for physical-chemical testing etc.