Educational and methodical work
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The educational process at the department "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" is carried out in two directions: Bachelor's programme (5B075300 specialty - Chemical technology of infusible non-metal and silicate materials) and Master's programme (6M075300 specialty - Chemical technology of infusible non-metal and silicate materials).
Organization of educational process is carried out according to the approved working curriculum and educational process schedule corresponding to the standard curriculum of the specialty.
Teaching materials made for all disciplines. The teaching materials in electronic form there are on the educational portal of the SKSU. Master's programme teaching materials are approved by Methodical Soviet of M.Auezov SKSU.
All disciplines of specialty are provided with the relevant training programs. For all disciplines of the department developed course programme according to the standard and the standard of course programme disciplines approved at the meeting of the chair “Technology of cement, ceramics and glass”, as well as t by the Committee on innovational technologies of training and Methodical provision of higher school «Сhemical engineering and biotechnology» and coordinated with other departments and the dean of the higher school «Сhemical engineering and biotechnology», approved by Pro-rector responsible for Academic work and IT. Course programme made up with the new technologies in education and in it includes active and interactive teaching methods.
There are syllabus in the Kazak, Russian and English languages in all disciplines. Syllabus designed in accordance with the Quality Management System (QMS) UKGU PR 7.03-2015.
In the department on the disciplines applied varied handout: charts, tables, graphs; samples of raw materials, semi-finished products; various Models of the crystal lattices of different compounds, models and real forms of simple crystals. Widely used handout from the collection of minerals and rocks, used materials minerals museum and rocks of the department, etc.
In the training process are used a video projector with a screen wall (203 A) and multimedia screens (205A, 201A, 208A, 302A), which provides multimedia learning tools. Also, use the Internet as an information source when performing SRW, SRWS, SSWS, KP, KW, DP, DW, MSRW
For all readable disciplines of the department has there is necessary educational-methodical literature. Provision of discipline conducted in the Kazak language sufficient. Also there are education materials in English language.
For the organization and methodical support of independent work of students methodological instructive regulations are developed for the organization and implementation of the SIW, as in the department has a schedule of SIWT.
In the training process are used 6 virtual work, 4 the computer software fort the calculations of raw mixes and the calculation of the material balance in the disciplines of "Chemical technology of binding materials", "Special technology of binding materials", as well as for SRWS, SSWS, KP, KW, DP; 7, electronic textbooks, lecture notes and multimedia applications are developed by staff of the department
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- Есимов Б.О., Адырбаева Т.А., Дубинина Е.С. Конспекты лекций. Кристаллография и минералогия. -Шымкент: ЮКГУ, 2013- 278 Мбайт.
- Yessimov B.O., Adyrbayeva T.A., Dubinina H.S.Crystallography and mineralogy. Cours of lectures. - Shymkent, M.Auezov SKSU, 2013. -278 Мб
- Есимов Б.О., Адырбаева Т.А., Дубинина Е.С. Электронная книга "Кристаллография и минералогия" (учебник), Шымкент: ЮКГУ, 2015
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- Худякова Т.М., Вернер В.Ф., Гаппарова К.М. и т.д. Технология получения композиционного магнезиального вяжущего с добавкой синтетического волластонита: Мультимедийное приложение. Шымкент, ЮКГУ: Центр разработки интерактивных ресурсов, 2012
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- Таймасов Б.Т., Бычков В. Виртуальные лабораторные работы: «Влияние температуры и продолжительности обжига на качество извести. Изучение кинетики обжига строительной извести». – Шымкент: ЮКГУ им.Ауезова, 2013. – 900 Кб
- Таймасов Б.Т. Программы расчетов сырьевых смесей РСС2, РСС3, РСС4 в технологии цемента / Б.Т. Таймасов, В.В. Бычков; ЮКГУ им.Ауезова. - Шымкент : ЮКГУ, 2012. - 960 Кб
- Таймасов Б.Т. Программы теплового расчета вращающейся печи ЮКГУ им.Ауезова. - Шымкент : ЮКГУ, 2012. - 960 Кб
- Таймасов Б.Т. Программы расчета материального баланса цементного завода. ЮКГУ им.Ауезова. - Шымкент : ЮКГУ, 2012. - 960 Кб
- Таймасов Б.Т. Виртуальная лабораторная работа: «Обжиг гипсовых вяжущих веществ во вращающихся печах». – Шымкент: ЮКГУ им.Ауезова, 2014. – 900 Кб
31.03-01.04.2017 at Auezov SKSU meeting of Republican educational-methodical council (REMC) of chemical and technological specialties was held. According to the results of bachelor's degree thesis competition on the sectional meeting of REMC of the direction "Chemical technology of infusible nonmetallic and silicate materials" on specialty 5В075300- CTINandSM were awarded the following diploma theses: 1 position M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University., student of group ЗХТ-14-7ру. Orazkhanov Yerlan. Topic title: Reconstruction of "Semey Cement Plant" LLP with additional feed basalt rubble of rotary kiln Ø4.5x170 m. Thesis supervisor: D.Sc., Prof. Taimasov B.T. 2 position M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, student of group ХТ-12-7ра An Anna. Topic title: Research of quartz materials of South Kazakhstan for the construction of enamel ceramic granite factory in the Shymkent city of capacity 2 mln. м2 per year. Thesis supervisor: Cand.Sc. {Engineering}, assistant professor Dubinina Ye.S. Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agricultural Technical University (Oral), student of group HT-12-7k Baizhanov U.H. Topic title: Қтыты қлдықтар негізінде құрылыс материалдарың алу. Thesis supervisor: Head of the Department "Chemistry and Chemical Technology" of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, аssistant professor Adyrova G.М. 3 position Zhasybay Zhyldyz. Topic title: Теміртау қаласында шлактарды және күл пайдаланып 1,3 млн.т цемент өндіретін зауыттың бизнес-жобасы. Thesis supervisor: сand.Sc. {Engineering} Dauletiyarov M.S. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, student of group ХТ-12-7к Kuandykova Aknur. Topic title: Састөбе е.м. цемент өндірісінде 1,0 млн.т клинкер күйдіру цехының құрылысының бизнес- жобасы. Thesis supervisor: D.Sc., Prof.. Taimasov B.T. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, student of group ХТ-12-7ра Adyrbaev Bekzhan. Investigations of feldspar raw materials from domestic deposits for the synthesis of ceramic granite for the purpose of building a plant with a capacity of 2 million m2 per year in Shymkent. Thesis supervisor: doctors of geological- mineralogical sciences, professor Essimov B.O. According to the results of master's degree thesis competition on the sectional meeting of REMC of the direction "Chemical technology of infusible nonmetallic and silicate materials" on specialty 5В075300- CTINandSM were awarded the following master's thesis: 1 position - M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, candidate for a master's degree of group МП-15-3пр Polyakova Irina Igorevna. Topic title: Investigation of the influence of barium sulfate on the processes of clinker formation and grindability of clinker obtained from the developed feed mixture. Thesis supervisor: D.Sc., Prof .. Khudyakova TM 2 position - M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, candidate for a master's degree of group МП-15-3р: Zhanykulov Nurali Nodiruly. Topic title: Development of resource-saving compounds of raw mixtures for production of clinkers from technogenic raw materials of the South of Kazakhstan. Thesis supervisor: D.Sc., Prof. Taimasov B.T. 2 position - M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, candidate for a master's degree of group МП-15-3пр: Nakhimbekov Mahmut Aitmetovich. Topic title: Nakhimbekov Mahmut Aitmetovich. Topic title: Study of the possibility of using Lenger coal mining waste as an alum containing and fuel component of the raw material charge in JSC Shymkentcement Thesis supervisor: Cand.Sc. {Engineering} Dauletiyarov M.S. 3 position - M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, candidate for a master's degree of group МП-15-3к: Bekmurzin Elima Duribayzyzy. Topic title: Күйдірілген сазды сланецтердің цементтің гидратациялану және қатаю процесстеріне әсерін зерттеу. Thesis supervisor: D.Sc., Prof.. Taimasov B.T. 3 position - M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, candidate for a master's degree of group МП-15-3пр: Abekov Kanagat Omіrbekuly. Topic title: Research of technological parameters of roasting and processes of clinker formation at transfer of furnaces on firm technological fuel. Thesis supervisor: Cand.Sc. {Engineering}, assistant professor Alzhanova A.Zh. 3 position - M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, candidate for a master's degree of group MP-15-3k: Takibayev Askhat Bauyrzhanyly. Topic title: Бентонитті саздан энергияүнемдейтін жеңіл керамзит шағалын жасау технологиясы. Thesis supervisor: Cand.Sc. {Engineering}, assistant professor Aytureev M.Zh..