International cooperation and domestic partners

     The department maintains scientific and creative relations with leading foreign universities. Among them: Munich Technical University (Germany); Cardiff University (Great Britain); Belarusian State Technical University (Minsk); Mendeleev Moscow Art Technical University (Moscow, Russia); Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NIU) (Moscow, Russia); St. Petersburg State Technological University (Saint Petersburg, Russia); Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology (Ivanovo, Russia); Uzbek International University named after M. Ulugbek (Tashkent, Uzbekistan); Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan); Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology; Biysk Institute of Technology (Biysk, RF); Tajik Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Chkalovsk, RT), etc.
     The department implements several international programs:
- Professor of the department Sakibayeva S. A. is the head of the international project "bactericidal and zeolite filters for water purification and disinfection" between Kazakhstan, Georgia and Armenia. The total budget of the project for the period 2022-2024 is 367,280 thousand dollars (three countries Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan) with a share of Kazakhstan 89,150 thousand dollars;

Professor of the department Sakibaeva S. A. and the research group on the international project "Bactericidal and zeolite filters for water purification and disinfection"

     - Professor of the Department Seitmagzimova G. M."promoting internationalization of research through establishment of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in Line with the European Agenda" (2016-2019) participated in the implementation of the international educational project Erasmus + for doctoral educational programs;
    - Associate professor of the department Kadyrbaeva A. A. for 2019-2022 598367-EPP-1-2018-1- SE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP took part as a performer of the international Erasmus+ project "Integrated approach to STEM teacher training".
During a working trip from December 12 to 15, 2022 at the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology (Head of the Department "Technology of Chemical processing of Gas" Professor S. F. Fozilov, Associate Professor S. A. Gaibullaev, Associate Professor M. Z. Komilov, Associate Professor B. Z. Sharipov, Associate Professor of the Department "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" and "Organic heads of departments" Chemical technology of substances " Makhmudov R. A. and Haidarov A. A. to the South Kazakhstan University named after M. In order to strengthen ties between the two universities in the field of education and science, Auezov was familiarized with the material and technical base of the PHC department, negotiations were held on the opening of joint master's degree educational programs.

    From 14.03 to 17.03.2023, Professor of the Department Beisenbayev O. K., Head of the Department Altybaev Zh. M. and Associate Professor of the Department Daurenbek N. M. met at the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology with the leadership of the University in the direction of Chemical technology, technology of the oil and gas industry "Chemistry and food technology", “Oil refining and gas - students and undergraduates of the faculties”Chemical Technology processing " lectures, practical classes and master classes were held.

Visit of Professor of the Department Beysenbaev O. K., Head of the Department Altybaev Zh. M. and Associate Professor of the Department Daurenbek N. M. to Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology


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