International cooperation and domestic partners
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Professor of the department Sakibaeva S. A. and the research group on the international project "Bactericidal and zeolite filters for water purification and disinfection"
From 14.03 to 17.03.2023, Professor of the Department Beisenbayev O. K., Head of the Department Altybaev Zh. M. and Associate Professor of the Department Daurenbek N. M. met at the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology with the leadership of the University in the direction of Chemical technology, technology of the oil and gas industry "Chemistry and food technology", “Oil refining and gas - students and undergraduates of the faculties”Chemical Technology processing " lectures, practical classes and master classes were held.
Visit of Professor of the Department Beysenbaev O. K., Head of the Department Altybaev Zh. M. and Associate Professor of the Department Daurenbek N. M. to Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology