Discussion of the new interdisciplinary ЕРof the Master's degree program 7M07163 – «Technology of mineral salts and Agrochemistry» developed by the Department of «ChTIS» with the Department of «Croр Production and Animal Husbandry»
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The Department of Academic Affairs of the SKU named after M. Auezov is working to expand the list of educational programs developed on the basis of professional standards and the Atlas of New Professions.
On April 1, 2021, a discussion was held on the new interdisciplinary educational program of the Master's degree 7M07163 - "Technology of mineral salts and Agrochemistry", developed by the Department of "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" together with the Department of "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry". The presentation was prepared by the head of the Department of ChTIS Seitmagzimova G. M. and associate professor of the Department of ChTIS Kadyrbaeva A. A.
The discussion was attended by the head of the Center for Management and Licensing of educational programs, Ph. D., Associate Professor G. M. Adyrbekova, Dean of the Higher School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology", Ph. D., Professor A. A. Anarbayev, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ph. D., Associate Professor G. I. Elibaeva, Head of the Department "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry", Ph. D., Esengeldieva L., teachers of the departments "Chemical Technology of inorganic substances" and "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry": Associate Professor R. Yakubova.R., Professor Raisov B. O., senior teachers B. A. Murzabaev and S. E. Zhuldyzbayeva, Ph. D. in Agricultural Sciences.
The uniqueness of the new program is its interdisciplinarity and focus on the preparation of masters of technical sciences with integrated knowledge and skills in the fields of both production and application of fertilizers for agricultural crops, production and control of the use of feed products in animal husbandry, improvement of agrochemical measures and chemical expertise of agrochemical products, as well as in the scientific and pedagogical sphere. Such industry communication will help to develop the ability of undergraduates to learn quickly based on the achievements of different fields and to ensure mutual enrichment and development within their field.
Masters of Technical Sciences ЕP 7M07163-Mineral salt technology and agrochemistry can hold the positions of the head of the relevant specialization of the department at the enterprise: director of development, engineer-technologist of inorganic production, head of the laboratory in agriculture, chief agronomist for plant protection, chemical engineer in research institutes, teacher in higher educational institutions.
The educational program is open to undergraduate graduates in the areas of «Chemical Engineering and Processes»" and «Soil Science and Agrochemistry».
Dr., Professor Polina Prokopovich from Cardiff University (Great Britain) lectures on the discipline “Methods of Study Inorganic Compounds” for master students of the Education program 7M07162 – Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University in November-December 2020.
Demonstration lecture by theme "Processing of non-standard raw materials.
The decrease of coke dependence of phosphate production"
On October 30, 2019 at 14:00, in 323A audience the open lecture of the candidate of technical sciences, the associate Professor of department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" Saltanat Tleuova on discipline "Innovative technologies of inorganic substances" on a subject "Processing of non-standard raw materials. The decrease of coke dependence of phosphate production". During the open lecture, the efficiency of agglomeration roasting for phosphate fines with the use of petrobituminous rocks for partial replacement of coke was discussed. The lecture was accompanied by the use of interactive didactic methods, slides.
Congratulations to students and master students with a victory in the 2019 Republican Student Research Competition!
1st degree diploma - student of the group HT-16-1k2 Shahmardan Nurgul. Scientific adviser: Can.Tech.Sci., associate professor Koshkarbaeva Sh.T.
1st degree diploma - master student of the group MP-17-1a Usenova Aigerim. Scientific advisers: Can.Tech.Sci., Professor Seitmagzimova G.M.; Can.Tech.Sci., Professor Dzhanmuldaeva Zh.K.
IInd degree diploma - master student of the MP-17-1k1 group Iskakova Talshyn. Scientific adviser: Can.Tech.Sci., associate professor Kadirbaeva A.A.
According to mutual cooperation agreement, 12 master degree students S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University has passed a scientific internship on “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” department , during from 1.04 to 12.04.2019.
28-29.03.2019, the XI Republican students' subject Olympiad was held in the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty). 2 groups of students of the 3rd year of the specialty 5В072000- “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” participated in the Olympiad. According to the results of a team of students gr. ХТ-16-1р Asanova Zh., Abilakhan A., Ziyaddinova Z. took the 3rd place. Supervisor – cand.tech.scien., professor Dzhanmuldaeva Zh.K.
The department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" congratulates and is proud of its winners!
The Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances organized a large open event hour at the compus 127 A on 22.11.2018, at 11:45 am, within the framework of the idea of President N. Nazarbayev "Mangilik El" «Bolashakka bagdar ruhani zhangyru». The event was organized by the curators of the 1st and 2nd course Taubayeva A.S, Amanbayeva K. and students of HT-17-1k, HT-17-1a and HT-18-1k, HT-18-1a groups. The event was attended by N. Sarypbekova, Deputy Dean of the Higher School “Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology”, Head of the Department G. M. Seitmagzimova, students and teachers of the department, as well as teachers and students of other departments. The event was attended by talented students, singing, dancing, poetry, and various games and demonstrated their skills.
On December 6-7, 2018 Assanova Zh.K. student of the Department of Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances of the group ХТ-16-1р participated in a training seminar in Astana on theme «Bolashakka bagdar ruhani zhangyru». At the end of the seminar she received a certificate.
Congratulations colleagues with victory! We wish new achievements, further creative successes!
Department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" proud of its winners and congratulates best of the best!
«The best university teacher-2018»
№ |
Full name |
Academic degree, Academic rank |
Position |
1 |
Koshkarbayeva Sh.T |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Associate professor of department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" |
2 |
Tleuov A.S |
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor |
Professor of department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" |
3 |
Bolysbek A.A |
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor |
Associate professor of department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" |
Arystanova Saltanat Dauytbekovna
was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) scientific degree in the specialty "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" by the decision of Control Committee in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of October 24, 2018 (order №. 1744). Scientific supervisor is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of CTIS department Tleuov A.S. Scientific consultant is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Lavrov B.A., St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
We wish you further creative success!
The staff of «Chemical technology of inorganic substances» chair
Regional competition of research and innovation projects "Zhas Galym - 2018"
PhD student of the 2nd course of the department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" and deputy chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University - Zhanikulov N.N. took part in the regional competition of research and innovation projects "Zhas Galym - 2018" in Taraz on the basis of M.Kh. Dulati Taraz State university. In total, the competition received about 60 applications from independent researchers under the age of 29 years. Of these, 10 of the most successful research and innovation projects were selected and evaluated by the competition commission. The competition was attended by employees of scientific and educational organizations in Zhambyl, Almaty, Turkestan, Kyzylorda regions, as well as the city of Almaty and Shymkent.
At the award ceremony Bibol Zhakipbayev took an active part - Chairman of the SMU M. Auezov SKSU, where during a meeting with the leaders of the youth units of the Zhambyl region and the city of Taraz, mutually beneficial ways of cooperation were discussed in the upcoming 2019 - the year of the youth. According to the results of the competition, our young scientist from M. Auezov SKSU took the honorable second place PhD student - Nurgali Zhanikulov and received a diploma and a laptop from the hands of the deputy mayor of Zhambyl region.