Educational and methodological work

Educational and methodological work of the department


The educational process is carried out in accordance with the State Compulsory Standard of Higher and Postgraduate Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2023. No. 21, curriculum and work curricula for OP 6B07220 - “Metallurgy”, OP 7M07222 - “Metallurgy”, OP 8D07220 - “Metallurgy”.

The organization of the educational process is carried out in accordance with the approved working curricula and schedules of the educational process, corresponding to the curricula of educational programs. Training of specialists is carried out in special disciplines, including compulsory basic, major disciplines and at the choice of students. Training in the EP “Metallurgy” is conducted in two languages – state and Russian.

Educational and methodological complexes (UMKD) have been compiled for all disciplines. All UMKD are posted in electronic form on the educational portals of the university: and


Teachers of the department widely use a variety of teaching methods, both traditional and innovative technologies, in their classes. Most classes are conducted using problem-based learning, presentations, scientific reports, demonstration and subsequent discussion of educational videos; use of specialized software systems (thermodynamic modeling: Astra, Outokumpu HSC 6.0, Auto Cad design software, virtual laboratory work); organization of interdisciplinary connections; presentations of lectures and laboratory classes, demonstration of electronic textbooks and virtual laboratory work on an interactive whiteboard.

In the educational process, multimedia boards (106A, 108A) are used, where multimedia teaching aids are provided. The INTERNET network is also used as a source of information when performing research, NIRS, UIRS, KP, KR, DP, DR, NIRM.

The necessary educational and methodological literature is available for all taught disciplines of the department. For each discipline, methodological support maps have been developed, taking into account all the literature located in the educational information center of SCU and at the department.

When performing CP, DP, UIRS, NIRS, the following programs are used: Auto CAD 2015-2021, Corel Drow 14.0.

At the department, every six months, in accordance with the plan for conducting open classes, open classes are held by leading teachers of the department.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, in the direction of “Metallurgy”, the educational process was organized in 2 educational programs for bachelor’s and doctoral studies.

For the 2023/2024 academic year, 24 UML are planned at the department of “Silicate Technologies and Metallurgy”, of which: 1 textbook, 3 textbooks, 6 lecture notes; 8 - methodological instructions, 5 - collection of cases, 1 - terminological dictionary. Electronic developments: 3 electronic textbooks, 1 virtual laboratory work.

For each discipline, methodological support maps have been developed, taking into account all the literature located in the educational information center and at the department. All methodological support cards are prepared in accordance with F.7.03-02.


Development and use of modern educational technologies and forms of training.

The teaching and learning process contributes to the achievement of learning outcomes. Innovative teaching methods are being developed and virtual laboratory work, electronic teaching aids, etc. are being introduced. There are copyright certificates for registration of intellectual property rights and acts of implementation in the educational process. Most classes are conducted using a problem-based learning method, presentations, scientific reports, demonstration and subsequent discussion of educational videos and the use of an interactive whiteboard; use of specialized software systems. Students have free access to the resources of Coursera, EDX, OpenKZ, Kazakhstani databases, as well as other foreign databases.

Students use the INTERNET as a source of information when carrying out research work, educational and research work for students, and course work.

As innovative technologies at the department in the educational process during practical classes, the following calculation programs are used:

- “Astra” - a multi-purpose software package for modeling equilibrium states and processes in high-temperature systems with phase and chemical transformations;

- “HSC Chemistry 6.0” - a software package for calculating equilibria of chemical reactions.

These software calculations are used to calculate thermodynamic parameters in coursework in the discipline “Planning and organization of research work” and other special disciplines.

Modern teaching tools and the results of innovations, scientific research introduced into the educational process (over the last 5 years):

  1. Shevko V.M., Aitkulov D.K., Sinelnikov I.P. Using the method of partial pressure diagrams in metallurgy. Electronic textbook. - Shymkent: South Kazakhstan University named after. M. Auezova, 2023. -128 p.
  2. Bitanova G.A. Karataeva G.E. Uranium metallurgy. Electronic textbook. Shymkent. South Kazakhstan University named after. M. Auezova, 2023 – 132 p.
  3. Shevko V.M., Karataeva G.E. Methods for processing zinc-containing ores based on the principle of a single technological raw material. Electronic textbook. - Shymkent: YuKU named after. M. Auezova, 2022. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 23661, 02.2022.
  4. Shevko V.M., Karataeva G.E., Aitkulov D.K. Energy-saving autogenous processes in non-ferrous metallurgy. Computer program. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright. Computer program, No. 16159 dated March 29, 2021.
  5. Shevko V.M. Karataeva G.E. Electrothermy of inorganic materials. Computer program. Certificate of entry of information into the state register of rights to objects protected by copyright. Computer program, No. 8225 dated February 17, 2020.
  6. Shevko V.M., Karataeva G.E. Roasting of ores and concentrates. Computer program. Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyrighted object. No. 1251 of January 9, 2019
  7. Shevko V.M., Serzhanov G.M., Karataeva G.E., Amanov D.D. Calculation of the equilibrium distribution of elements in relation to the HSC-5.1 software package. Computer program. Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyrighted object. No. 1501 of January 29, 2019
  8. Shevko V.M., Serzhanov G.M., Karataeva G.E., Amanov D.D. Calculation of the equilibrium distribution of elements in relation to the HSC-5.1 software package. Computer program - electronic book. Shymkent: South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezova, 2018.- 5.39 MB.
  9. Shevko V.M., Karataeva G.E., Dauletbaeva D.A. Pyrometallurgical treatment of titanium slag alu / Production of titanium slag by the pyrometallurgical method. Computer program - Virtual laboratory work. South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezova, 2018. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright, No. 1176 dated December 28, 2018.


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