History of the Department

The department of “Silicate Technologies and Metallurgy” was formed in September 2022 in accordance with Order No. 173-nk 09/05/2022 on optimizing the composition of the university by combining two departments “Technologies of Cement, Ceramics and Glass” and “Metallurgy”.
History of the Department of Cement, Ceramics and Glass Technologies

To the history of the department “Silicate Technologies and Metallurgy”

The Department of Cement, Ceramics and Glass Technologies as a structural unit of SCU named after. From the day of its formation to this day, M. Auezova is the only one in the Republic of Kazakhstan that trains specialists for enterprises in the silicate industry.

The history of the formation and development of the department begins with the organization of the former Institute of Construction Materials, which was created on the basis of Resolution No. 679 of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated June 19, 1943.

The only faculty of the institute at that time - the Faculty of Silicate Technology - in 1948, for the first time, graduated 23 process engineers of the silicate industry. The institute was reorganized and developed, new faculties were opened, but the faculty of “Silicate Technology” always rightfully remained the first among technical ones.

The founders of the current department were 3 specialized departments, which played a decisive role in the difficult post-war decades in training personnel for the silicate materials industry - “Chemical technology of ceramics and refractories”, “Chemical technology of binders” and “Chemical technology of glass and ceramic glass”.

The Department of Chemical Technology of Ceramics and Refractories was founded in 1946. For 24 years, the department was headed by Associate Professor V.M. Slivko. A graduate of this department, prof., made a great contribution to the formation and development of the department. A.A. Balakirev, who has diploma No. 1, with honors. At various times, the department was also headed by its graduates, associate professors M.I. Mirkin, N.R. Rukhlin and I.A. Groshev.

The Department of Chemical Technology of Binders was founded in 1949. The department was headed by Associate Professor M.P. Sytin, professor I.G. Luginina, K.K. Karibaev, S.V. Terekhovich, associate professor M.R. Ramankulov and prof. B.T. Taimasov.

The Department of Chemical Technology of Glass and Sitalls was organized in 1955. The first head of the department was Associate Professor G.A. Vydrick. Then for 20 years it was headed by a graduate of this department, academician S.T. Suleimenov, and since 1967 - prof. T.A. Abduvaliev.

During the years of operation of these departments, important foundations were laid for organizing the educational process, scientific research and educational work. One of the significant achievements in their activities was the creation of Kazakhstan scientific schools by prof. A.A.Balakirev in building ceramics, prof. I.G. Lugigina on high-temperature processes, prof. K.K.Karibaev on surfactants and academician S.T. Suleimenov on glass ceramic technologies.

From the date of foundation, i.e. Since 1943, the department has trained more than 6 thousand specialists for cement, asbestos-cement, brick, glass and other factories, many of whom have become chief and leading specialists, managers and organizers of production, prominent scientists, ministers, regional akims, government officials, Mazhilis deputies, rectors and directors of research institutes.

Famous scientists, ministers and their deputies, government officials, rectors of universities and directors of research institutes - S.T. received professional education at our department. Suleimenov, B.P. Parimbetov, U.A. Ayapov, B.I. Nudelman, I.S. Bessmertny, V.S. Lee, K.H. Bekishev, N.F. Ananenko, G.S.Davydov, A.P.Malyshev, Z.K.Turisbekov, A.K.Tshanov, K.K.Karibaev, S.S.Seitzhanov, P.B.Kynatov, Zh.T.Suleimenov, I.S.Akhmetov, T.U.Iskakov, Z.P.Pulatov, A.P.Khlebov, A.S.Kurtaev, V.D.Skakun, A.Sh.Userbaev, N.T.Musabaev, K. A. Nurbaturov, E.I. Kystaubaev, as well as numerous plant directors, presidents of joint-stock companies and companies.

There is great merit in the development of the silicate building materials industry in our country by the graduates of our department - directors and chief specialists Zh.A. Aldiyarov, S.K. Kozhamuratov, Z.S. Amirkhanov, B.I. Akhmetov, V.M. Barbinova, E A. Bukeeva, A. N. Van, A.F. Galinsky, S.V. Gulin, Zh.E. Endybaev, K.K. Zhapabaev, A.I. Zubritsky, K.K. Kulakeev, S.Zh. Zhunisov, B.A. Kurnikova, T.S. Sopieva, V.M. Stepanova, S.G. Tambetova, Yu.G. Redko, I.T. Turgunbaeva, R.S. Fedechko, S.K. Kusainova, D.Sh. Shalabaeva, N.A. Abetaeva, N.A. Ryabchenko, G.A. Shapareva, A.O. Ryskulova.

Among the graduates of the department are more than 30 doctors of science, 120 candidates of science and more than 10 honored workers of the industry, the author of scientific discovery No. 210 B.I. Nudelman, Hero of Socialist Labor A.D. Tumanov and others.

The department is rightfully proud of its graduates who have made a significant contribution to the development of domestic science in the field of silicate technology - these are doctors of technical sciences, professors T.A. Abduvaliev, A.A. Balakirev, V.F. Werner, B.Zh. Zhanabaev, V. M.Garifulin, Z.A.Estemesov, S.Zh.Saibulatov, M.Kulbekov, A.A.Mirzakhodzhaev, O.A.Miryuk, U.K.Makhambetova, M.T.Zhuginisov, S.Kh.Tulyaev , V.D.Barganyagre, V.K.Klassen, V.Gorokhovsky, S.V.Terehovich, P.P.Rumyantsev, Kh.S.Vorobiev, T.M.Khudyakova, B.T.Taymasov and others.

Over the years, M.I. Mirkin, A.V. Vorobyov, Zh.K. Kanibekov, I.A. Groshev, T.Zh. Nurbekov, V.S. Zubakov, M.S. Naumagambetov, M. .K.Imashev, K.T.Tazhibaev, M.A.Shaposhnikov, N.S.Bazhirov, M.K.Bitemirov, R.Kuralov, V.D.Manzhiev, R.I.Imangulov; M.Sh.Sharafiev , G.V. Orlova, A.A. Abduraimov, L.G. Tropina, A.B. Zykova, T.I. Novik, L.N. Lukina, V.F. Miller, N.V. Bachilova, N.Sh. Khashimov, T.B. Nogaev and others.

In 1995, on the basis of the above three departments, the department of “Technology of Silicates and Synthesis of Minerals”, now “Technology of Cement, Ceramics and Glass”, was again organized. The first head of the formed department was prof. B.O. Yesimov. Then the department was headed by academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, prof. Zh.T.Suleimenov and associate professor M.Zh.Aytureev.

Nowadays the department is headed by prof. B.O. Yesimov is a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the International Prize and the ISESCO Gold Medal in the field of science and technology.

The department currently operates as part of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. Three levels of education are offered - bachelor's, master's, and doctorate.

In 2008, the undergraduate educational program “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials” for the first time successfully passed international accreditation by the ASSIN agency (Dusseldorf, Germany). Based on the results of an international examination (ASIIN. Dusseldorf, Germany), a certificate was received that allows graduates to be assigned the Chemistry Eurobachelor label; from 2014, the validity of the certificate was extended until 2020, and at the end of 2019 the department successfully passed the next reaccreditation.

In 2014, a license was received for educational activities for the preparation of masters in the specialty 6M075300 - “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials.” In 2017, based on the results of an international examination of the master’s educational program “Modern Building Materials”, specialty 6M075300 - “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials”, the European Chemical Thematic Network (ECTN) received a certificate allowing graduates to be awarded the Chemical Technology Euromaster label.

In 2017 The department received a license for educational activities in doctoral studies in the specialty 6D075300 - “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials.”

In 2019, a branch of our department was opened for the first time at the porcelain stoneware production plant ZERDE Ceramics LLP.

The department has specialized laboratories equipped with modern equipment and instruments. Work is underway to update the material and technical base. To strengthen the practical and research skills of students, a number of training sessions are conducted on the basis of the Scientific Research and Production Complex and research laboratories. The “Comprehensive Laboratory of Modern Testing Methods for Silicate Materials” was organized for the training of masters of specialty 6M075300 – “Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials” within the framework of the State Enterprise of the Institute of Industrial Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2019. In 2018 The Ceramics and Concrete laboratory was accredited in the accreditation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a testing laboratory (IL) for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 and received a certificate.

Traditionally, bachelors are trained under grants from enterprises - Shymkent JSC, Semey Cement Plant LLP, Kant Cement Plant State Joint-Stock Company (Kyrgyzstan), South Kyrgyz Cement CJSC and others.

Fruitful creative connections are maintained with Shymkent JSC, Standard Cement LLP

(Shymkent), Zhambyl Cement LLP, SAS-Tobe Technologies LLP, Semey Cement Plant LLP,

Kazakhcement LLP (Semey), Central Asia Cement OJSC (Karaganda region), Knauf Gips Kapchagay LLP, Tectum Engineering LLP (Shymkent), Semipalatinsk ACI Plant LLP, Semmix LLP (Semey), Naftaenergo LLP (Uralsk), Kapchagayfarfor JSC, Zerde Ceramics LLP (Shymkent), Almaty Ceramics Plant LLP, Kazogneupor LLP (Rudny), Sairam Brick Factory LLP, Kurylys Materialdary LLP (Shymkent), BRITEX LINE LLP (Shymkent), RAUAN LLP (Shymkent), Batsu LLP (Turkestan region), Euro LLP Crystal" (Shymkent), Branch "Yuzhny-1,2" of OJSC "Glass Company "SAF" (Almaty), Branch "Yuzhny-3" of OJSC "Glass Company "SAF" (Taraz), LLP " Caspian Cement”, “Gezhuba Shieli Cement Company” LLP, etc.

The departments of universities from far and near abroad have extensive scientific connections, universities and research institutes in Kazakhstan: Bauhaus-Universtät Weimar (Germany), Technische Universitat Munchen (Germany), Technische Universitat Chemnitz (Germany), University of chemistry and technology (Prague, Department of International Relations) , Institute of Chemical Technology (Prague, Czech Republic), Technical University of Brno (Czech Republic, Brno), University of Latvia (Riga, Latvia), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania, Vilnius), Krakow Technical University (Poland, .Krakow), Russian University of Chemical Technology. D.I. Mendeleeva (Russia), National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (Russia, Tomsk); Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhova (Russia), Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, KazNTU, Laboratory of Silicate Chemistry of the Institute of General Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, CelSIM (Almaty) and others.

Currently, the training of bachelors, masters and PhDs in Kazakh, Russian and English is conducted by highly qualified teachers - 2 doctors of science, professors; 5 candidates of science, 6 masters of engineering and technology.

It is widely practiced to attract scientists from near and far abroad and leading specialists from industry enterprises to give lectures and conduct scientific consultations.

Students also take an active part in the scientific developments of the department; they are co-authors of publications, inventions, participants in testing and implementation of research results. The practice is to carry out diploma theses, master's projects and work commissioned by industrial enterprises. The results of research and development work, research and development work are celebrated annually at the Republican level.

Deep knowledge and a wide profile of the specialty enable our graduates to successfully work in the field of science, education and industry. Graduates of the department work at leading enterprises in the industry. Bachelor's and Master's degrees are recognized in Europe. Feedback from employers on graduates confirms the high quality of specialists, evidence of this is the constant career growth of our graduates.

Among the technical departments of the University, the Department of Cement, Ceramics and Glass Technologies, based on the results of educational, methodological, scientific and educational work, has been repeatedly recognized as the winner in the nomination “Best Department of SKU named after M. Auezov.”

History of the Department of Metallurgy


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