Scientific work and innovation

       Scientific research:

       In 2022, the following research projects have been concluded and are being carried out:

Agreement No. 177-2 dated October 18, 2022. by priority: 3. Geology, extraction and processing of mineral and hydrocarbon raw materials, new materials, technologies, safe products and structures; by subpriority: 3.4 Integrated and waste-free use of mineral raw materials; applied research; on the topic: AP14869066 “Development of resource-saving slag-free technology for electrothermal processing of phosphorites”, the amount of financing for 2022 is 8,000,000 (eight million) tenge. Head - Shevko V.M. (together with Research Laboratory “Advanced Metallurgical Technologies”

       Participation in scientific competitions and exhibitions:

     Faculty members of the department actively participate in competitions and various programs to receive grants. For projects that will be submitted to the competition for grant funding of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024, the teaching staff of the department submitted the following topics:

       -AP14869066 “Development of resource-saving slag-free technology for electrothermal processing of phosphorites” (together with the Research Laboratory “Advanced Metallurgical Technologies” (headed by V.M. Shevko).

       -AP14870398 “Integrated use of domestic natural microsilica mineral raw materials for the creation and implementation of energy-saving technologies in metallurgy and ceramics” (together with the Research Laboratory “Mineral resource provision of the silicate industry, synthesis of single crystals, precious stones and priority materials”, head Karataeva G.E.).

       In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Republican Scientific Research Competition was held at the HAO “South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov” among students of the specialty 5B070900 (OP 6B07220) - “Metallurgy”. The results of the research and development work competition are presented in the protocol of the research and development research commission.


       Participation in foreign and republican conferences:

   All members of the department took an active part in the XXV Republican Student Scientific Conference on natural, technical, social, humanities and economic sciences “Science and youth are the sure guarantee of a successful future”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov at the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov ( March 30-31, 2022) and the XXVI international scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists “Chemical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical production in the 21st century”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of M. Auezov, the 110th anniversary of D. Kunaev (November 23-25, 2022).

       All members of the department took an active part in organizing and conducting the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Auezov Readings - 20: the legacy of Mukhtar Auezov is the heritage of the nation” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of M.O. Auezov; at the International Scientific and Practical Conference Proceesing IX International Conference “Industrial Technologies and Engineering” ICITE-2022.

Members of the teaching staff took an active part in the XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation, the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan), the XXVI MNPK "Innovation-2022" (Tashkent, October 26-27), the XXIII International Scientific -practical conference Metallurgy: technology, innovation, quality.

   Information and publishing activities. Publication of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids:

        Based on the results of research work for the teaching staff of the department, in 2022 the following were submitted and published: 5 textbooks, 82 articles, of which in publications recommended for the Scopus database, with an impact factor of –8. Also 1 article in the Republican journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, 1 article in the RSCI, 1 article in a foreign scientific journal. 1 patent for utility model received. 1 textbook, 1 monograph published.


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