Department history
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In 1962, due to the need for specialists in the production of polymers, processing of plastics, oil and gas, the department "Technology of plastics" was opened at the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology (the department was headed by Mirfaizov Kh.M.), and in 1968 Department "Technology of oil and gas processing" (1968-1976 the department was headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor N.K. Nadirov)/
In the late 60s and early 70s, the development of Zhetybai, Uzen and other new oil and gas fields began in Western Kazakhstan, and the Atyrau Oil Refinery (OR) began to process local raw materials. The first plants were put into operation: the city of Guryev - a plant for the production of polyethylene and polypropylene, in the city of Shevchenko - a plant for the production of polystyrene and various copolymers, which were the flagships of the plastics industry in the Republic.
At the request of production at the department under the scientific supervision of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nadirov N.K. research began in the following areas: "Catalytic cracking of kerosene-gas oil fractions of Mangyshlak oils", "Development of drilling fluids for oil wells", "Regeneration of sulfuric acid alkylation waste". This period was the beginning of the fruitful work of the department, not only in teaching and educational, but also in scientific terms. At this time, scientific research began to be actively carried out by graduate students, employees, teaching staff of the department, the first scientific publications on oil refining, polymer processing appeared.
In 1997, due to the reorganization of the structure of the university, these two departments were merged into one department "Technology of oil, gas and polymers". Since 2014, the department has been renamed "Oil refining and petrochemistry" by the decision of the Academic Council of the University.
At the beginning of its development since 1970, the department, in accordance with the requests of the oil refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, expanded the scope of research and began to engage in a comprehensive study of new oils in Western Kazakhstan. As a result of such large-scale research during this period, graduate students, researchers and teachers under the supervision of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nadirova N.K., Ph.D., Associate Professors Omaralieva T.O., Mirfaizova Kh. M. defended candidate dissertations: Pusurmanova G.Zh., Kaldygozov E.K., Madykhanova K.S., Jalilov K.A., Kerimbekov S.K., Evdokimov Yu.V., Palachev V.N., Galeev R.G. ., Belousov A.N., Erkebaeva G.Sh., Abubakirov R.Sh., Shalbaev B.B., Tanashev S.T., Khlebova S.V., Dolgopolova V.A., Dautbaev M.T., Suleimenov T.S., Sakibaeva S.A., Beisebaev M.Zh., Yakovleva E.I., Rivkina T.V., Syrmanova K.K. and others. Later, as a result of summarizing the theoretical and practical scientific research performed at the department, the following doctoral dissertations were defended: Mirfaizov Kh.M., Omaraliev T.O., Kaldygozov E.K., Syrmanova K.K., Galeev R.G., Aitymbetov N.Sh., Kedelbaev B.Sh.; candidate dissertations - Alimbaev K.R., Makhashov E.Zh., Daurenbek N.M., Turebekova G.Z., Tauasarov Sh.U., Bimbetova G.Zh., Idrisov M.J., Nadirova Zh.K., Suigenbaeva A.Zh., Orynbasarov A.K., Tortbaeva D.R.
The results of research work were introduced at the refineries of Atyrau, Pavlodar, Kuibyshev, Krasnovodsk, the Shymkent Tire Plant, the Elektroapparat plant and other oil refineries and petrochemical enterprises.
Currently, the department functions as part of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. The department implements three levels of education - bachelor's, master's, doctoral studies in educational programs: Chemical technology of organic substances, Petrochemistry, Technology of oil and gas processing, Technology of production and processing of polymers, Technology of pharmaceutical and perfumery and cosmetics.
In 2008, the educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" for the first time passed international accreditation by the ASIIN agency (Düsseldorf, Germany). Based on the results of the international examination, a certificate was obtained allowing graduates to be awarded the Chemistry Eurobachelor label. In 2014 and 2019, EP "Chemical technology of organic substances" was re-accredited.
The teaching staff is the main resource for ensuring the educational process, transferring full knowledge, skills and abilities to students. 7 teachers of the department are holders of the titles "The best teacher of the university" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The scientific and pedagogical activity of the teachers of the department is marked with badges of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Ph.D., Professor Pusurmanova G.Zh. - Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Sakibayeva S.A. - Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for contribution to the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2019, the scientific and pedagogical activities of professors Sakibayeva S.A., Pusurmanova G.Zh. marked with badges "Y. Altynsarin".
The members of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for ChTOS are: Sakibaeva S.A., Daurenbek N.M., Pusurmanova G.Zh., Tanashev S.T., Beisenbaev O.K., Turebekova G.Z.
Educational and research work is subordinated to the main task - ensuring close communication with industrial enterprises of the oil and gas complex, industry science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The department has created all the necessary conditions for fundamental, applied, research, development work, as well as for innovation. The material and technical base of the department "Oil refining and petrochemistry" includes 7 specialized laboratories, which are equipped with modern equipment and instruments.
Teachers actively participate in competitions for scientific projects for grant funding.
One of the performance indicators of the department is the place in the ranking of educational programs. According to the results of the ranking among the universities of Kazakhstan, the educational programs of the department occupy a leading position.
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