Discussion of the new interdisciplinary EP of the Master's degree program 7M07163 – «Technology of mineral salts and Agrochemistry» developed by the Department of «ChTIS» with the Department of «Crop Production and Animal Husbandry»
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The Department of Academic Affairs of the SKU named after M. Auezov is working to expand the list of educational programs developed on the basis of professional standards and the Atlas of New Professions.
On April 1, 2021, a discussion was held on the new interdisciplinary educational program of the Master's degree 7M07163 - "Technology of mineral salts and Agrochemistry", developed by the Department of "Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances" together with the Department of "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry". The presentation was prepared by the head of the Department of ChTIS Seitmagzimova G. M. and associate professor of the Department of ChTIS Kadyrbaeva A. A.
The discussion was attended by the head of the Center for Management and Licensing of educational programs, Ph. D., Associate Professor G. M. Adyrbekova, Dean of the Higher School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology", Ph. D., Professor A. A. Anarbayev, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ph. D., Associate Professor G. I. Elibaeva, Head of the Department "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry", Ph. D., Esengeldieva L., teachers of the departments "Chemical Technology of inorganic substances" and "Crop Production and Animal Husbandry": Associate Professor R. Yakubova.R., Professor Raisov B. O., senior teachers B. A. Murzabaev and S. E. Zhuldyzbayeva, Ph. D. in Agricultural Sciences.
The uniqueness of the new program is its interdisciplinarity and focus on the preparation of masters of technical sciences with integrated knowledge and skills in the fields of both production and application of fertilizers for agricultural crops, production and control of the use of feed products in animal husbandry, improvement of agrochemical measures and chemical expertise of agrochemical products, as well as in the scientific and pedagogical sphere. Such industry communication will help to develop the ability of undergraduates to learn quickly based on the achievements of different fields and to ensure mutual enrichment and development within their field.
Masters of Technical Sciences ЕP 7M07163-Mineral salt technology and agrochemistry can hold the positions of the head of the relevant specialization of the department at the enterprise: director of development, engineer-technologist of inorganic production, head of the laboratory in agriculture, chief agronomist for plant protection, chemical engineer in research institutes, teacher in higher educational institutions.
The educational program is open to undergraduate graduates in the areas of «Chemical Engineering and Processes»" and «Soil Science and Agrochemistry».