Possibilities of online learning tools in condition of pandemy

   On February, 15, 2021, a webinar was held on  the theme: Possibilities of online learning tools in condition of pandemy, where information was provided on the project courses developed in the framework of  «585761-EPP-1-2017-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Enhancing Competences of Sustainable Waste Management in Russian and Kazakh HEIs / EduEnvi, as well as new technologies and tools for e-learning, especially in relation to the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, which necessitated a move to online learning, and therefore, knowledge of Online learning tools has become particularly relevant.

The organizers of the webinar were the participants of the project from Biotechnology department of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology of the M. Auezov SKU and Project preparation and support center.

Al-Farabi KazNU, Sh.Ualikhanov KokSU, M.Auezov SKU, as well as students, undergraduates, doctoral students, took an active part in the webinar, in addition, there were many interested listeners from associated partner universities and other organizations, such as SKSPU, Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology, M. Gorky Comprehensive Secondary School from Shardary, 80 IT school  lyceum, lyceum No. 46, etc. The number of  webinar participants reached up more more than 100 people.


The team of the EduEnvi project from the M. Auezov SKU shared the methodological and instrumental competencies that they acquired during training workshops at European partner universities, and showed how it si possible to work with a new format of knowledge, how can apply new learning technologies; how the video lectures were recorded; and how e-learning tools (Canva, Logo, Prezi, Google Form, Google Classroom, Zoom, WebEx meeting, Kahoot, Socrative and others) are used in the educational process.

The developers noted that practical assignments were drawn up using the real market to involve students in solving specific situations and projects that arise in the industrial field, which ultimately is focused both on improving the qualification level of students and forming the ability for further employment.

At the end of the webinar, a survey was conducted, where the respondents expressed a desire to take the courses developed within the framework of the project, attend the webinars that will be organized by the project to exchange experience, and enhance the multiplier effect of the results among universities, schools, colleges, and industrial enterprises.



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