The pleasant moments from life of students
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The schedule of free examination in 2014-2015 academic year is a special type of control at the higher school "Chemical engineering and biotechnology" of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university.
Our university as one of prestigious higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, represents merger of several specialized higher schools. For the first time free examination in a frame of university is applied at the higher school "Chemical engineering and biotechnology". I consider it as big achievement for our higher school.
Examinations are an examination of students. I, Makhmut Aray, the student of specialty 5B072100 - "Chemical technology of organic substances" of “Oil Processing and Petrochemistry” department consider the free schedule of examination very convenient and accepted. As the student who got an education in the Czech Republic in the city of Prague at chemical institute of technology completely I approve transition to the free schedule of delivery of session in higher education institutions of RK. The free schedule of examination for students is the most optimum option as it gives the chance rationally to use school and vacation hours.
On behalf of student's youth I express huge gratitude to the management of higher education institution for introductions of free examination which promotes an intensification of all educational process and completely is equitable to interests of students.