"Open day" with school graduates from the Shardarinsk district
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On February 25, 2020, in accordance with the plan of career guidance, the faculty of the Higher school of Chemical engineering and biotechnology held an "Open day" with school graduates from the Shardarinsky district of Turkestan region.
On February 25, this year, the staff Of the higher school of “Chemical engineering and biotechnology”, headed by doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Anarbayev A. A., held an "Open day" for graduates of schools in Shardara, Shardar district, school named after B. Sokpakbayev high school, Shardara district, and Uzyn-ATA school in the village of Uzyn-Ata.
These events were attended by heads of departments of the Higher school of “Chemical engineering and biotechnology”, namely: head. Department of "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass", d.g.-m.s, Professor B.O.Yessimov; head of the Department. the department "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" candidate of technical Sciences, Professor G. M. Seitmagzimova; head of the Department “Metallurgy” doctor of technical Sciences, Professor V.M. Shevko; doctor of technical Sciences, Professor ofof the Department “Biotechnology” B.Kedelbaev; head of the Department “Ecology” Ph. D., Professor Zh.A.Shingisbayeva; and senior lecturer of the Department of “Chemistry and fundamentals of chemical technology” B.M. Tastanbekov; senior lecturer of the Department of “Oil Refining and petrochemistry" and head of the Department of the center for career guidance of the University N.Sh.Otarbayev.
At the open day, a concert program was performed by the staff Of the Faculty of public professions of SKSUM.Auezov.
During the career guidance work, videos, presentations, booklets and materials were shown about the specialties that are implemented in Higher education, and reflect the daily study of University students.