Летняя школа «Нефтяной инжиниринг»
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During the period from June 04 to June 15, 2018 at the M. Auezov Southern Kazakhstan State University, on the basis of “Petroleum Processing and Petrochemistry” department the summer school "Oil Engineering" has been organized. Students, undergraduates, teachers of higher education institutions and employees of the industrial enterprises were students of summer school.
There were 20 listeners; 10 of them representatives of the Atyrau university of oil and gas. Teachers of summer school: cand.oftech.sci, associate professor Tanashev S. T and also senior teacher Sarsenbayeva A.U. Students have gained knowledge in the field of deep processing of hydrocarbonic raw materials. Besides, students have got acquainted with sights of our city and area. They have visited the summer Technologist camp in the gorge Mashat.
The dean of the higher school of "Chemical engineering and biotechnology" Bolysbek A.A has handed to participants of summer school the international certificates.