In the department “Oil processing and petrochemistry” was held the round table devoted to discussion of the theme “Youth of independent Kazakh state and religion”
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April 15, 2016 the round table devoted to discussion of the theme “Youth of independent Kazakh state and religion” was held by ХТ-15-6р group of the “Oil processing and petrochemistry” department, Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.
The purpose of the event is the education of youth in the spirit of tolerance and the rejection of religious extremism. In the "round table" were participated: the city mosque teacher «А.Қаттами» Tulenov D., specialist of the highest level of qualification of the Department of educational work and youth policy Shaldanbaeva A.M, deputy dean Baysbay U. and senior curator Sarsenbayeva A.U.
During the discussion teacher of the town mosque «А.Қаттами» Tulenov D. said at importance of the profession of traditional religion, particularly Christianity and Islam religion. He cited examples from the life of the harmfulness and danger of non-traditional trends, the main objectives of which is the distorted vision of religion. He gave detailed answers to students' questions.