An open lesson «Жыр алабы - Жамбыл Жабаевқа 170 жыл» was entitled
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In high school «Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology» department «Chemical technology of inorganic substances» held an open lesson entitled «Жыр алабы - Жамбыл Жабаевқа 170 жыл» 02.23.2012 at 11:30. The open lesson was attended by the dean of the Higher School «Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology» Bolysbek Aidarbek Alibekovich, Deputy dean of the higher school Bayysbay Omirbek Pemebaуuly, Head of the department CTIS Aitureev Murat Zharylkasynuly, Specialist of the highest category of educational department Orynbekova Gulgan, senior curator of Higher school of «CE and BT» Sarsenbaeva Aizada Uzakbaevna, responsible for the high school «CE and BT» Akzhan Muratkyzy and Students of high school «CE and BT» and teachers of the department СTIS.