In a reading room of the case "A" interactive lecture with discussion of the message of the head of state N. A. Nazarbayev was given «Қазақстан жаңа жаһандық нақты ахуалда: өсім, реформалар, даму»
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On February 5 in a reading room of the case "A" interactive lecture with discussion of the message of the Head of state N. A. Nazarbayev was given «Қазақстан жаңа жаһандық нақты ахуалда: өсім, реформалар, даму».
Chief specialist Orynbekova G. B., the manager of sector of Shambulova H., the manager of a reading room Moldaseytova K. and to students of the higher school of ChIaBT took part in discussion of the message of the Head of state N. A. Nazarbayev the. Clarifications were given to 5 main directions of the message of the Head of state. The librarian Ulkenbayeva A. were the report on fund, opportunities of library and use of information materials is given. On questions of students irrefragable answers were given.