Concepts of sustainable development of science and technology in modern conditions


Concepts of sustainable development of science and technology in modern conditions
According to the calendar plan of events held within the framework of the educational goals of sustainable development named after M. Auezov, 07.02.2024 on the basis of the Higher School "Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology" an international round table was held with the participation of foreign scientists on the topic "the concept of sustainable development of science and technology in modern conditions".
- Marko Vinčeković, PhD, Professor, University of Zagreb, Croatia;
- Kiryigitov Khurshid Batirovich, PhD, Head of the Department of "Ecology and Ecology", Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan.
- Nato Mirdzveli, PhD in Chemistry, Researcher, Tbilisi State University named after I. Javanishvili, Georgia;
- Fozilovsadraddinfayzullaevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Uzbekistan;
- Edgorova Shakhnoza Khayridinovna, Doctoral Student, Department of "Economics and Management", State Mining and Technological University named after Navoi, Uzbekistan;
- Li Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich, doctoral student of the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute, Uzbekistan.
The first word was given to the dean of the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Aytureev M.Zh. In turn, Mureev M.Zh. introduces all the participants on the topic: "Development of science and technology in the Higher School of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology".
On wheels, the professor-teacher of the Higher School and the heads of departments took part. Shynkhüsteldeshetelïkgans and scientists of the Higher School, professor of the department of "Biotechnology" Mutalieva B.Zh.; professor of the department of "Silicate technology and metallurgy" Taimasov B.T.; Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering N. O. Dzhakipbekova made a report.
Summarizing the results of the round table "The concept of sustainable development of science and technology in modern conditions", the dean of the Higher School "IIIB" thanked all the guests for their active participation, expressed his deep gratitude to the organizers of the round table. We express special gratitude to all foreign scientists whose reports aroused particular interest.
As a final concept of the international round table "The concept of sustainable development of science and technology in modern conditions", we offer the following proposals:
  1. The climate crisis, the crisis of biodiversity and pollution are a global problem that requires immediate action. To ensure a global green transition, we must work in close cooperation.
  2. The concept of sustainable development presupposes a harmonious interaction of the triad "ecology-economy-society", so Kazakhstan needs to focus the efforts of all scientists on solving environmental problems.
  3. A further increase in global air temperature can lead to irreversible processes in the natural environment. Therefore, it is necessary to initiate systemic measures to decarbonize the economy and "green" the industry in the world, and the success of this process requires political will and constant dialogue between the state, business and society. We invite all public and private organizations to work on this path.
  4. We call on public organizations to provide financial support for research and development work on the efficient use of waste, reducing the degradation of natural resources, creating the possibility of restoring ecological systems with loss of biodiversity.
  5. In connection with sustainable development in higher education institutions, it is necessary to increase the contribution to the support and implementation of start-up projects related to green technologies, especially among young research students.
6. We recommend introducing the curriculum "Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development" as a discipline for all specialties in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions and schools.


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