"Сlean up the planet from garbage"
- Hits: 236
"Ecology - the science of the future, and perhaps the very existence of the human will depend on the progress of the science"
- Promotion of environment and attracting public attention to the issue of environmental protection and safety of life;
- Attracting the younger generation to the system of separate collection of secondary resources;
- The preservation of urban forest parks, the protection of green spaces and protected areas of cities and suburbs.
2.Ozhidaemye results:
improve the sanitary condition of the city and its surroundings;-
preservation of the natural landscape of the south of Kazakhstan;-
formation of ecological culture of the population.-
In rahkah weeks students of the department "Ecology" vospytatelny spent an hour on the theme of "clean up the planet from garbage" in the NIS (Nazarbayev Intellectual School), also conducted clean-up along the Berea "Kochkar-Ata" and the territory of building "A" SKSU M.Auezov. Results of the week was an appeal to the akim of the city.