Creating a Partnership Program in Green Nanotechnology and Environmental Sensing

The Council of Young Scientists within the framework of a joint program between M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and Rutgers University, New Jersey: “Creating a Partnership Program in Green Nanotechnology and Environmental Sensing” announces a lecture by Professor Paul Takhistov from the State University of New Jersey, (Rutgers, USA) for all young scientists, master, and doctoral students and anyone interested, on the following topic:
Nanotechnology Fundamentals (2 Parts)
May 11th at 3 pm Part I: Force Balance, Interfaces and Energy Transfer at Nanometer Scale
Meeting ID: 937 3792 2483
Password: nano
May 12th at 3 pm Part II: Nanobiotechnology, a Design Approach to the Delivery Systems, and Smart Biomaterials
Meeting ID: 967 8557 5107
Password: nano
The general goal of the course is to provide an introduction to and an overview of nanotechnology (NT). The course pursues several specific goals:
- it will characterize NT as a multitude of different bottom-up and top-down-approaches.
- it will provide a basic understanding of the physical laws and effects that are active in the nano-world.
-it will emphasize the design concepts and strategies used today to build nanomaterials.
By the end of this course, students:
will be able to characterize major top-down and bottom-up strategies;
will be able to understand the physical laws active in the nano-range and as they differ from those in the micro-range;
will be aware of major fabrication strategies of nano-particles


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