Announces a lecture by Professor Paul Takhistov from the State University of New Jersey, (Rutgers, USA) for all young scientists, master, and doctoral students and anyone interested

The Council of Young Scientists within the framework of a joint program between M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and Rutgers University, New Jersey: “Creating a Partnership Program in Green Nanotechnology and Environmental Sensing” announces a lecture by Professor Paul Takhistov from the State University of New Jersey, (Rutgers, USA) for all young scientists, master, and doctoral students and anyone interested, on the following topic:
Building a brand as a scientist
Acquiring new knowledge and contributing your ideas and/or work are fundamental components of being a scientist. However, another important component of being a scientist is learning how to build your “brand” as a scientist. Your “brand” is happening with or without your input.
During this workshop, we are going to discuss the following topics: Defining your brand. Actions to take towards building a brand as a scientist. Think of yourself as a self-startup. Want to develop a consistent brand. Learn how to effectively self-promote your work. Leveraging social media to your benefit (“promote” your brand). Embrace networking. Re-invent your brand as you grow/change over time
Who should attend: graduate students at all levels, scientists from academia and industry, other professionals.
Date: March 31, 2022 
Time: 15:00 (Almaty time)
Meeting ID: 953 3984 9688
Password: brand


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