Announces a lecture by Professor Paul Takhistov from the State University of New Jersey, (Rutgers, USA) for all young scientists, master, and doctoral students and anyone interested
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The Council of Young Scientists within the framework of a joint program between M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, M. Utemissov West Kazakhstan University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and Rutgers University, New Jersey: “Creating a Partnership Program in Green Nanotechnology and Environmental Sensing” announces a lecture by Professor Paul Takhistov from the State University of New Jersey, (Rutgers, USA) for all young scientists, master, and doctoral students and anyone interested, on the following topic:
Building a brand as a scientist
Acquiring new knowledge and contributing your ideas and/or work are fundamental components of being a scientist. However, another important component of being a scientist is learning how to build your “brand” as a scientist. Your “brand” is happening with or without your input.
During this workshop, we are going to discuss the following topics: Defining your brand. Actions to take towards building a brand as a scientist. Think of yourself as a self-startup. Want to develop a consistent brand. Learn how to effectively self-promote your work. Leveraging social media to your benefit (“promote” your brand). Embrace networking. Re-invent your brand as you grow/change over time
Who should attend: graduate students at all levels, scientists from academia and industry, other professionals.
Date: March 31, 2022
Time: 15:00 (Almaty time)
Meeting ID: 953 3984 9688
Password: brand
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