"Сlean up the planet from garbage"
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"Ecology - the science of the future, and perhaps the very existence of the human will depend on the progress of the
"Ecology - the science of the future, and perhaps the very existence of the human will depend on the progress of the
Master student the department of "Petroleum processing and petrochemistry" Anna Nikitenko within the CIS Network University of the agreement on
Future leading experts of oil refining and petrochemical production.
Graduated young professionals on “PPaPCh” chair in 2014-2015
Undergraduates from Pavlodar D. Toroschina and D. Tolegenov were trained at the Department of "Chemistry" under the supervision of professor N.O
Students of the chair "Technology of cement, ceramics and glass" group ChT-12-7ra Assilova Malika and Pak Anna are trained current semester at the
13.03.2015ж. күні Жеңістің 70-жылдығына арналған «Химиялық инженерия және
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