Educational work
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"Justice state. One nation. Blessed Society"
On 7.09.2022, another curatorial hour of the HT-19-6 dc group was held to promote the Message of the head of state Kassym Jomart Tokayev to the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan. U. Sarsenbayeva, the curator of the group, spoke on this issue: She told the students of the HT-19-6dk group that on September 1 of the new academic year, the head of state Kassym Jomart Tokayev made a report "A just state. One nation. The Welfare Society" acquainted with the contents of the message to the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
"A look into the future-rukhani zhangyru"
In the direction of "Preservation of national identity on the basis of the article program "Bolashakka bagdar – rukhani zhangyru" in the southern region of the country to sacred places, that is, to the "Memorial of Glory" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory in the city of Shymkent" to the senior lecturer of the department "Technology of inorganic and petrochemical industries" Sarsenbaeva Aizada Uzakhbaevna and a group of HT-19-6dk organized an excursion with his students.
Shymkent, which has become a green city, is a city rich in social and cultural attractions. One of the attractions of the city is the Park of Culture and Recreation named after Abai. It was in this park that the "Memorial of Glory" was erected, dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. On November 25, students of the HT-19-6dk group on the route "preservation of national identity" visited the "Memorial of Glory" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory"sacred land in the southern region of the country". The Walk of Fame begins with a truly formidable SU-7B helicopter. Further down the alley continues to the Memorial of Glory under the motto "A man's name, the country remembers". The Memorial of Glory was opened for the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. The memorial consists of many monuments that are harmoniously combined with each other. Then the Walk of Fame continues with plaques measuring 200 meters with the names of more than 140,000 soldiers. In the center there is a monument "Zhuldyz". Around the monument, 51 Soviet heroes and 8 full cavaliers of the Order of "Dank" are written in gold letters. The alley will be covered by the monument "Eternal Flame". A little trip to the past history has undoubtedly strengthened the patriotic force in us! Isn't this proof that even the young people who were next to us went to war and died for the sake of my country?! A thousand bows, a thousand thanks to them!!!
"February 11 - international day of women and girls in science"
On February 14, 2023, the mentor of the group Kydyralieva A. Sh.held a mentoring hour "February 11-international day of women and girls in science" with students of the HT-21-12k group. This holiday was approved by the UN General Assembly in December 2015. This day highlights the important role of women and girls in science, ensuring equal access for women to science. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the share of female
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