Eclucative work
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The educational work of students is an integral part of the process of quality training of a specialist. The main goal of the educational component of the Department of “Oil Refining and Petrochemistry” is to create favorable conditions for the active life of students, undergraduates and doctoral students, for civic self-determination and self-realization, to maximize the satisfaction of their needs for intellectual, cultural and moral development. The organization of educational work at the department is carried out in accordance with the plan of educational work of the university and the Higher School of “Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology” in the following areas: - Civic-patriotic: instilling socio-political literacy, respectful and careful attitude to traditions and culture, art and religion of peoples living in multinational Kazakhstan; Ensuring support for public policy. - Moral and spiritual: education of students of immunity to destructive religious ideology, understanding of place and role of religion in society. - Legal: prevention of offenses and crime in the youth environment. Physical education: development of mass sports, participation in amateur sports competitions, organization of sports leisure of students. -Cultural, mass and creative: participation in art circles, formation of aesthetic taste, development of student amateur art. -Social: clarification of principles of social partnership, formation and development of volunteer student movement. At the department, educational work is carried out by each teacher within the framework of his discipline, the curator - individually, as well as during the "curatorial hours," which are held weekly. The main part of educational work is carried out during educational time during lectures and practical classes. For example, laboratory classes, SERW form the responsible attitude of students to the educational process, mastering the future profession, educate self-demanding, disciplined, social activity, and respectful attitude to work. Performing research work by students is one of the priority areas of educational work of the department for enrolling students in the scientific school of the department. Students of 2-4 courses, take an active part in the scientific life of the department, publish theses, articles and speak at scientific and practical conferences. The department has a scientific circle "Munaishy." The department pays attention not only to students who are active - they have time to study, participate in competitions and Olympiads, but also keep weak students under control. Teachers organize consultations for them, conduct conversations, to clarify the causes of failure and to provide qualified pedagogical assistance. Curators of academic groups play a large role in extracurricular work. Students get acquainted with the Charter of the university, the Rules and duties of students; with the structure of the university, the library, the Youth Center, the Center for Service of the Students, the Higher School of Art and Science, the Educational and Exhibition Center, the sports complex, etc., and also consider issues of assistance in solving problems arising in the hostel; selecting the group asset and drawing up a work plan for the school year; determining the time of the curatorial hour and adding it to the schedule; visits to historical, natural and other sights; sights; prevention of healthy lifestyles; discussion of the annual messages of the President of Kazakhstan and other important documents. The education of tolerance of students forms a positive moral climate in educational groups on the basis of recognition of the equal importance of all members of the team, respect for the beliefs of others and their actions. In the direction of vocational and labor education, the following are held: dedication of freshmen to students; Olympiad; competitions for the best student research; meetings with employers of students of 4 courses. Students take part in career-oriented events at the “Open Day”, the job fair, in events dedicated to memorable dates and public holidays, organize trips to the theater, timing them to important dates. The university has a Student Council, working closely with the university's trade union committee, which deals with the pressing problems of students. Thus, the high professionalism of future specialists is based on a strong moral basis - citizenship, patriotism, a high personality culture, so the search for the most effective methods of educating students, awakening their activity, forming a stable civic position is an important direction for the staff of the Department of “Oil Refining and Petrochemistry”.